Danish Company ready with the world’s first reliable sperm test for home use

As the first in the world, the Danish company MotilityCount is ready with a reliable sperm test, which men can carry out in their home in a... read more

08.06.2015 • By MotilityCount ApS

Report suggests women are more likely to be affected by dementia than men

The majority of people living with dementia and those most at risk of developing the disease are women, according to a report by Alzheimer's... read more

05.06.2015 • By Alzheimer’s Society

World Environment Day: 3 reasons why going vegan can save the planet

NEWS RELEASE 5 JUNE 2015 World Environment Day: 3 reasons why going vegan can save the planet While most people are... read more

04.06.2015 • By The Vegan Society

Out of Home International Launches New Campaign as Hospital Sets Urban Challenge to Fund New Cancer Centre

Out of Home International has coordinated a new outdoor advertising campaign on the London Underground network to show support for Guy's... read more

04.06.2015 • By Out of Home International

Azrieli Foundation Donates $10M for Hebrew University Research Azrieli Foundation Donates $10M for Hebrew University Research

Expanded center to focus on groundbreaking stem cell and genetic studies The Azrieli Foundation , one of Canada's largest foundations, has... read more

03.06.2015 • By Pressat Wire

It’s in your blood: Links found between blood type and risk of cognitive decline

A pioneering study conducted by leading researchers at the University of Sheffield has revealed blood types play a role in the development of the... read more

03.06.2015 • By Pressat Wire

Eating dogs no different to eating any other animal, says The Vegan Society


02.06.2015 • By The Vegan Society

Food poisoning bug another reason to go vegan


29.05.2015 • By The Vegan Society

Beating exam stress in 7 steps – advice from a BACP counsellor

Many of our 42,000 members work in schools, colleges and universities, and tell us of the stress and anxiety their young clients feel at exam... read more

26.05.2015 • By British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

NHS Takes a Stand Against Medicine Wastage with MAG Ad Campaign

Media Agency Group' s outdoor advertising specialist sub-division, Out of Home International, is pleased to announce a new two week advertising... read more

22.05.2015 • By Media Agency Group

Short changed — children hit hard by limits to key support

Over two million children are in families that are cutting back on food or heating their homes as a result of the decision not to raise children's... read more

22.05.2015 • By Alzheimer’s Society

Warwick researchers secure £3.19m boost to tackle superbugs

Researchers at the University of Warwick have been awarded £3.19m in funding to support a flagship project into antimicrobial resistance (AMR).... read more

19.05.2015 • By Pressat Wire

An app for teenagers has solved cyberbullying

Silent Secret is a social enterprise and a safe, non-judgemental and anonymous social network where young people aged 11–¬19 can share their... read more

19.05.2015 • By Silent Secret

Improve productivity and time management following Visual Insights advice

Many people find themselves wishing for more than 24 hours in the day. Visual Insights , a start-up based in Birmingham, shares their advice for... read more

19.05.2015 • By Visual Insights

Spend Time in the Sun? Protect Your Skin Against Skin Cancer and Sunburn with the SmartSun Wristband

£1 Wristband that could help to prevent skin cancer launches in UK Disposable wristband measures UV radiation and changes colour when you... read more

18.05.2015 • By SmartSun

Health ministers to tackle increasing burden on services

Finding ways to meet the health needs of an ageing, growing population with long-term, complex illnesses will dominate discussions at this year's... read more

14.05.2015 • By Pressat Wire

Researchers at the University of Birmingham find Contraceptive and Cholesterol-lowering drugs effective in treating cancer

The combination of a cholesterol-lowering drug, Bezafibrate, and a contraceptive steroid, Medroxyprogesterone Acetate, could be an effective,... read more

14.05.2015 • By Pressat Wire

Road trip to benefit amputees in West Africa

Legs4Africa releases short video tracking the progress of the team as they collect legs to be sent out to amputees in Africa In early April a... read more

14.05.2015 • By Legs4Africa

71 year old pancreatic cancer survivor runs marathon!

Norman Whitwood, a 71 year old rare pancreatic cancer survivor, set himself the challenge of running the Milton Keynes marathon on the 4th May to... read more

14.05.2015 • By Pancreatic Cancer Action

Mental Wellbeing: The Positive Effects of Exercise

Good afternoon all, With this being Living Streets' Walk to Work Week, we spoke to William Pullen, BACP member and developer of Dynamic... read more

14.05.2015 • By British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

DoLs applications backlog leaves vulnerable people at risk of being unlawfully deprived of their liberty

The Health and Social Care Information Centre on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) has released quarterly figures for January – March 2015... read more

12.05.2015 • By Alzheimer’s Society

Dr Now: Professional medical diagnosis wherever, whenever

Now Healthcare Group Limited presents Dr Now, the world's first app to diagnose and deliver medicines that is set to transform the UK... read more

12.05.2015 • By Now Healthcare Group Ltd.

​Two Staffordshire charity's are joining up to create a bigger voice for Autism

Two Staffordshire charity's are joining up to create a bigger voice for Autism . The new headquarters at Silverdale Court, Silverdale Road... read more

08.05.2015 • By Staffordshire Adults Autistic Society

High blood sugar may contribute towards Alzheimer’s disease, new study finds

Scientists have uncovered a mechanism that links high blood sugar with Alzheimer's disease, according to a study published in the Journal of... read more

05.05.2015 • By Alzheimer’s Society

It's a Teenage Thing - You Will Grow Out of It!

TEEN -SKIN ACTIVES® has been developed to combat problematic skin suffered by 85 % of teenagers. The product range combines over 50 years of... read more

05.05.2015 • By Pressat Wire

Bus Rear Ad Campaign Promotes Blakelands' Premium Care

Media Agency Group's transport advertising specialist subdivision, Transport Media , has recently launched an exciting new advertising campaign... read more

05.05.2015 • By Transport Media

New approach identified for treating Alzheimer’s disease, study suggests

molecule known as P8 could stop the build-up of a toxic protein in the brain which leads to Alzheimer's disease, according to new research from... read more

30.04.2015 • By Alzheimer’s Society

Our Sansar providing the Nepal Earthquake relief assistance

With the death toll ever rising, and the true extent of this disaster unknown, our only option is to help where we can. Millions of children... read more

30.04.2015 • By Our Sansar

New £20m a Year Fund to Help Keep People Out of Hospital and in Their Own Home

A new, £20m-a-year Welsh Government fund will support people in their own homes and local communities, reducing pressure on hospitals, Health and... read more

28.04.2015 • By Pressat Wire

Introducing.. The amputees of Africa

What would you give for a normal life? Maybe you have donated time, money or a prosthetic limb. Maybe you want to know more about the people... read more

28.04.2015 • By Legs4Africa

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