Chinese And Australian Cities Score Well In fDi's Asia-Pacific Cities Of The Future 2013/14 Rankings

With continually declining FDI levels, Chinese and Australian cities scored particularly well in fDi Magazine's Asia-Pacific Cities of the Future... read more

11.12.2013 • By Financial Times

“Nice Rebound” of China’s Economy

Last year, economists from many countries reached a sort of consensus on many things. But they failed to do that on China’s economy. The... read more

11.12.2013 • By New Class Press UK/ Mr Edward Huang

Global Enterprises Parched by the Heat of China’s Economy

Five months ago, Keith Nosbusch, the CEO of Rockwell Automation, began to note the changes in China’s economy. This world’s second largest economy... read more

11.12.2013 • By New Class Press UK/ Mr Edward Huang

Skyline Marketing Ltd Say Resistance to Online Marketing is an On-Going Issue

Concerns for privacy means consumers are hesitant with the data they provide online. Skyline Marketing Ltd reaps the rewards as more businesses... read more

11.12.2013 • By Skyline Marketing Ltd

LGB Direct Travel to Spain to Attend Awards Ceremony at Hotel Rey Juan Carlos

Outsourced sales and marketing suppliers are to hold a European Awards Ceremony in Barcelona on 14th December, 2013. LGB Direct’s Managing... read more

10.12.2013 • By LGB Direct

Fast Growing Sales Company Pro UK Consultants Ltd Deliver Big Results

Demand for outsourced customer acquisitions and sales are increasing. Pro UK Consultants Ltd have exceeded sales targets by 9% and improved... read more

10.12.2013 • By Pro UK Consultants Ltd

Ocean Consultings Managing Direcor selected as Founder member of Thames Valley Business Barometer Group

"Sarah Stoker, Managing Director of specialist recruitment firm Ocean Consulting, today announced that she has been selected as a Founder Panel... read more

10.12.2013 • By Ocean Consulting

Morgan Stanley Changes its View: China’s Economy is Climbing out of a Shallow Economic Trough

In the past six months, the expectations of international research institutions on the economy of China have been on a roller coaster ride. During... read more

10.12.2013 • By New Class Press UK/ Mr Edward Huang

New York Client Solutions Hopeful New Unemployment Figures May Suggest Abundant Holiday Shopping Season

A newly published report reveals that unemployment fell to the lowest in five years in November as employers added 203,000 jobs. New York Client... read more

09.12.2013 • By New York Client Solutions

Investment In Exports And Skills Will Stimulate Industry Growth Say Food Manufacturers

Responding to the Chancellor's Autumn Statement today, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) welcomed the extra £50bn in export finance and the... read more

06.12.2013 • By Food and Drink Federation

Business Certainty sets roadmap for rollout of $250m ABL cross border facility

Asset based lending operations consultancy Business Certainty today announced it successfully helped global packaging supplier Coveris to... read more

06.12.2013 • By Business Certainty/Tracy Turner

Cancel The Christmas Party And Give Us The Money

The planning started weeks ago and the date is already in the diary for the work Christmas party -but the majority of work partygoers would rather... read more

05.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Lancope Comment: Data Breach At Facebook And Twitter

Following the recent news that cyber experts have uncovered 2 million stolen passwords to web accounts, Tom Cross, director of security research... read more

05.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Schroder UK Property Fund Completes £61 Million Of Acquisitions

Schroder UK Property Fund (SPF) is today announcing the completion of two key properties from vendor Corbo Properties in an off market... read more

05.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Open Letter To Chancellor Calls For Government To Back Localism And End The Freeze Grant

In an open letter ahead of the Autumn Statement, CIPFA Chief Executive, Rob Whiteman has called on the Chancellor George Osborne to live up to the... read more

05.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

La Dominion Acquisitions MD Endeavours to Become an Influential Communicator

A survey by Aberfield Communications has found that eight out of the ten companies with the most influential CEO’s outperformed the FTSE 100 Index... read more

05.12.2013 • By La Dominion Acquisitions

Strategic Five Marketing Rumoured to be Secretly Pursuing New Engagement Tactics

As the need for more consumer engagement makes headlines, Strategic Five Marketing with office locations in Reading and Birmingham are alleged to... read more

05.12.2013 • By Strategic Five Marketing

RICS Response To UK Government's New National Infrastructure Plan (NIP)

Jeremy Blackburn, RICS Head of UK Policy: "We have long called for sustained government commitment to infrastructure investment and are... read more

04.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Pareto Global Associates Urge Businesses to Evaluate Customer Experience Strategy 2014

Pareto Global Associates recommend business owners to re-evaluate their customer experience strategy in order to hit the ground running in 2014.... read more

04.12.2013 • By Pareto Global Associates

Shop Price Deflation: Good News For Christmas Shoppers

- Overall shop prices reported annual deflation for the seventh consecutive month in November, slowing to 0.3% from the 0.5% decline reported in... read more

03.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Chancellor Must Match London Mayor's Commitment On Fares

Campaign for Better Transport has responded to the announcement by the Mayor of London that train, tube and bus fares in the Capital will rise by... read more

03.12.2013 • By Campaign for Better Transport

MJ Experia Marketing Support the FSB’s Call for Action on Taxation, Energy and Business Rates

Following the Autumn Statement date announcement, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has called on the Chancellor to take action on taxation,... read more

03.12.2013 • By MJ Experia Marketing

Businesses Warned To 'Plan In Advance' says BAC's Scheme

UK businesses are being urged to plan in advance to avoid missing crucial payments over the Christmas holidays. Bacs Payment Schemes Ltd, the... read more

02.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Marketing Industry Confident of 2014 Projected Business Growth

Almost half of marketers report an improved outlook for the year ahead - Growth dominates the management agenda - Despite positive... read more

02.12.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

Hector Montalvo to Present at Source Marketing Direct®  London Startup Conference

Hector Montalvo , managing director of customer acquisition firm, Source Marketing Direct®  , was invited to present at a London start up... read more

02.12.2013 • By Source Marketing Direct Ltd

3D Printing Hub For North Of England Launches In Manchester

As the 3D printing phenomenon continues to take Britain by storm, a new 3D printing hub for the North of England opens today in Manchester, with... read more

29.11.2013 • By Rocket Pop PR

25 Crawford UK Offices to turn purple in support of pancreatic cancer awareness month

Crawford, the world’s largest independent provider of claims management, are turning 25 of their UK offices purple on the 29th November to raise... read more

28.11.2013 • By Pancreatic Cancer Action

Fancy yourself as the next Spielberg? Exciting startup offers you the chance to invest and produce independent films 'as part of a film experience website'

The film industry is booming with video on demand traffic predicted to be the equivalent of watching 6 billion DVD’s per month by the year 2017.... read more

28.11.2013 • By ViralFilmNetwork Ltd

We are not all legalised loan sharks!

We are not all legalised loan sharks! We swim in the same pool as the Legalised Loan Sharks, we are viewed by many as Sharks, yet we are not... read more

27.11.2013 • By Fidelity Works Ltd T/A True Blue Loans / Kieran Moulden

Walls & Futures Announce Launch of LGF II - London Residential Investment Fund

Following the success of the London Growth Fund, Walls & Futures, the property specialist asset manager, is offering investors the opportunity to... read more

27.11.2013 • By Walls & Futures

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