Enterprising universities must boldly grow student business leaders, Localis report recommends

Embargo date: from 00.01 am, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 More than a third (35%) of higher education bodies fail to produce a single graduate... read more

26.02.2018 • By Localis

Studying the impact of R&D tax incentives on SME-led innovation: New EU project

Prof. Pierre Mohnen will lead UNU-MERIT's stake in WATSON -- a new 1 million euro innovation project. WATSON is a research project funded... read more

22.02.2018 • By United Nations University - MERIT

A year on from the Levy, what are the implications for apprenticeship recruitment?

David Allison, CEO of GetMyFirstJob discusses the repercussions of the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy in 2017. It could be argued that... read more

16.02.2018 • By GetMyFirstJob

Florida Shootings

Islam forbids the unjustified killing of even one human “… whoever kills a person — except for having taken a life or for having wrought... read more

15.02.2018 • By The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (United Kingdom)


office@forgottenwomen.org www.forgottenwomen.org #nowomenofwar The Syrian conflict has now been raging for 7 years to date on 8th... read more

13.02.2018 • By Forgotten Women

Is the British Government no longer secular?

Non-interference in religion is a corner stone of the British governmental and legal system. There are sensible reasons for incorporating this in... read more

12.02.2018 • By The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (United Kingdom)

‘There was nobody to help us’

THE GOVERNMENT of Sudan (GoS) is reportedly preparing a fresh offensive against its own Muslim and Christians civilians in Blue Nile State who... read more

29.01.2018 • By Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust


The highest rates of employment growth are concentrated in the places that voted to leave the European Union, Localis said today (Wednesday 24... read more

24.01.2018 • By Localis

Religion in Kazakhstan: Congress of World Religions and dispersed believers

In October 2018, Astana is to host the VI Congress of World Religions . The main theme, “Religious leaders for safe world”, is in the... read more

19.01.2018 • By Boiko Hristov

AI Leader Thoughtonomy Opens Manchester Office - R&D Hub for fast growing Intelligent Automation Company

UNDER EMBARGO – 0.01 hrs 18 January 2018 Thoughtonomy Opens Manchester Office R&D Hub for fast growing Intelligent Automation Company... read more

17.01.2018 • By Thoughtonomy

‘Unprecedented’ elderly population boom in rural England pushes local services to breaking point, councils warn

Embargoed until 00.01am on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 The number of elderly people in county areas has risen by half a million in just... read more

17.01.2018 • By County Councils Network

Ground-breaking Research Announced Into Cause of Sarcoidosis, a Rare Autoimmune Condition

Funding has been awarded for an innovative research project at the University of Manchester which has the potential to unlock key information... read more

16.01.2018 • By SarcoidosisUK

​Artificial Intelligence developments by business must consider ethical values, says Institute of Business Ethics

IBE Introduces Ethical Framework for AI in Business 11 th January 2018 : The latest Business Ethics Briefing from the IBE examines the... read more

11.01.2018 • By Institute of Business Ethics

Why Europe should rebrand itself

Communication : The weak part of European integration ( Brussels, 29.12.2017) We are delighted to announce the publication of... read more

29.12.2017 • By StP Communications

“More sprouts, Mr. Obama?” Former US President is UK's Most Wanted Guest for Christmas Dinner

Former US president Barack Obama has topped a new poll as the famous person UK adults would most like to invite as a guest to Christmas dinner... read more

20.12.2017 • By Aurora Market Research Limited

A successful year for Accreditations in Coaching, Mentoring, and Supervision

Brussels, December 15 2017 – 2017 has been a very successful year for Accreditations in Coaching, Mentoring, and Supervision. Internationally... read more

15.12.2017 • By EMCC

Netanyahu says the Holy Quran is correct

President Trump says US recognises Israel’s illegal occupation of Jerusalem On Monday, 17th July, 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin... read more

07.12.2017 • By The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (United Kingdom)

Question Time Heads to The Civic

BBC Question Time is headed to Barnsley on Thursday 14 th December with panellists including Nicky Morgan MP (Conservative) and Rebecca... read more

07.12.2017 • By Barnsley Civic Enterprise Ltd

2017 EMCC award winners for Coaching, Mentoring, and Supervision

Brussels, 7 December 2017 – EMCC is delighted to announce the winners of the 2017 Coaching, Mentoring, and Supervision awards: Coaching –... read more

07.12.2017 • By EMCC

‘ADS’ Annual Santa Fun Run 2017 was a HUGE success…

“Tell everyone you know about this wonderful local charity,” said Our Prime Minister The Rt.Hon. Theresa May MP , as a part of her... read more

06.12.2017 • By Alzheimers Dementia Support

Executive report into the state of play in European Coaching and Mentoring

Brussels, December 7 2017 – earlier this year EMCC commissioned research into the state of play in European Coaching and Mentoring. The research... read more

05.12.2017 • By EMCC

Motivation marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities with launch of UK Aid Match appeal ‘Ready, Willing and Able’

In celebration and recognition of the International Day of Peoples with Disabilities (IDPD) Motivation - a charity that works to improve the... read more

03.12.2017 • By Motivation Charitable Trust

Controversial Film Games Of Ayodhya Director Sunil Singh gets bounty on his head

The film Game of Ayodhya is a love story between a Hindu youth and a Muslim girl,which was set in the backdrop of the Babri mosque... read more

02.12.2017 • By Satish Reddy

Fake News

President Trump Promotes Fake News During his presidential campaign and afterwards, President Trump has constantly complained of "fake news"... read more

02.12.2017 • By The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (United Kingdom)

The Rights of Women in Islam

Ofsted finds misogynist material in Muslim faith schools in the UK According to recent newspaper reports Ofsted has found inappropriate material... read more

29.11.2017 • By The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (United Kingdom)

Events Industry Gets Behind Hope for Children’s Head Held High Appeal

On Giving Tuesday, a number of high-profile events-industry companies & individuals are announcing their confirmed support for Events for... read more

28.11.2017 • By Hope for Children

EMCC names Dr Riza Kadilar new President

Brussels, November 28 2017 – EMCC today announced Dr Riza Kadilar has been elected new President as of 28 November 2017. 'I am excited and... read more

28.11.2017 • By EMCC

New Zealand companies cannot be complacent about their ethical credentials

First NZ publication by the Institute of Business Ethics asks business leaders their view of the ethics in their business 28th November 2017... read more

27.11.2017 • By Institute of Business Ethics

LEPs not suited for growth role, Industrial Strategy architects warn

In response to today's publication of the Industrial Strategy White Paper, Localis chief executive, Liam Booth-Smith, said: “The decision to... read more

26.11.2017 • By Localis

Egypt Killings: Forsaking Islam

What kind of Islam is this? The Holy Quran says: “O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and... read more

26.11.2017 • By The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (United Kingdom)

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