Penmex Reveals Why it’s Important to Have a Good Work-Life Balance

News provided by Penmex on Thursday 8th Oct 2015

With a recent survey finding that a quarter of small business owners have fallen ill due to stress and overwork, Penmex reveals why it's important to have a good work-life balance.

Entrepreneurs can often work 70-hour weeks, and many are in danger of burning themselves out.The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who have mastered a good work-life balance.

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Insurance provider Simply Business conducted a study of 2000 people.Of those that were surveyed, almost half cancel social plans at least once a week, a quarter take less than 10 days annual leave, and 25% have fallen ill due to stress and overwork.

Physical illness isn't the only side effect of overworking.Mental health can also be affected. According to mental health charity Mind, one in four people experience a mental illness each year. Entrepreneurs must keep a close eye on their wellbeing. A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.

Penmex have shared their 3 top tips for achieving a good work-life balance.

1. Make time for downtime.

Having a weekly plan is vital and one of the things that needs to be incorporated in the plan is downtime. Make it a point to schedule time with family, friends.

2. Exercise.

A healthy body is as important as a healthy mind.Exercise also releases endorphins and makes people happy. It can be hard to make time for exercise with a jam-packed schedule, but it will ultimately get more done by boosting energy level and ability to concentrate.

3. Learn how to say no.

Many people find themselves pulled in a million directions by their inability to say no. Don't waste time on tasks or people that aren't going to have a beneficial affect.

Penmex believe the key to a good work-life balance, is regular time away from the office. MD at Penmex, Kirsty Pennal, is a young business owner who has experienced tremendous success in her short career. She attributes much of her success to her good work-life balance.She regularly takes times away from the business to recharge her batteries, allowing her to come back to the office environment with a clear mind total focus.The firm recently ran a competition for the firm's top performer to accompany MD Kirsty Pennal on an all expenses paid trip to Marbella.The long weekend was a chance for some much needed R&R soaking up the sights and sunshine in the Costa del Sol.

Penmex is an outsourced sales and marketing firm which aims to deliver highly personalised and unique direct marketing campaigns to consumers, on behalf of their clients' brands. The firm works closely with their clients to understand their products/services and business goals. These are then reflected in personalised direct marketing campaigns which are taken directly to their ideal target markets through face-to-face marketing techniques. This one-to-one connections with potential customers helps to create personal and long-lasting business relationships between brand and consumer. This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients. The firm are able to deliver a high ROI to their clients, even during times of economic downturn due to the nature of their personalised marketing services.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Penmex, on Thursday 8 October, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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