YMCA Lincolnshire is urging local residents to fill the final places for its Sleep Easy fundraising event, with registrations closing this Friday at 6pm.
‘Your one night of discomfort will make a lifetime of difference…’ - Register for the event at: www.lincsymca.co.uk/sleepeasy
The event will take place in the grounds of the iconic Lincoln Cathedral from 7pm on Friday 3rd March 2017.
YMCA Lincolnshire is one of fifteen YMCAs across the country that have joined forces to raise awareness of homelessness during the first-ever national Sleep Easy Week.
The charity has hosted sleep-out events since 2010, with last year’s event raising over £10,000. These funds have helped maintain the support services of YMCA Lincolnshire and The Nomad Trust, who work with the most vulnerable people in our society.
The Sleep Easy event aims to raise awareness of homelessness, through encouraging people to sleep rough for one night.
Read Meme’s story - she joined us last year for her first Sleep Easy event;
‘Sleep easy was an experience that made me rethink how I view the homeless, it makes you see through the eyes of a homeless youngster for a brief moment. It has affected me deeply, to the degree I cried on the way home thinking on how awful life on the streets truly is and how harsh.’
‘From being looked through by early morning street cleaners thinking you're homeless, with sleeping bag under arm to seeing the actual homeless waking in shop doorways and moving their belongings for the day.’
‘I had an abusive childhood, I was lucky that I did not end up homeless like many children escaping an abusive or violent home life can.’
‘Everybody should experience the sleep easy sleepover at least once, I guarantee you; it will touch your heart for life.’
Helen Lloyd from Homelet, part of Barbon Insurance Group, has encouraged employees to form a fundraising team for the event; ‘so far, we have ten people sleeping easy in March!’
‘I’m not excited about the idea of sleeping rough, but I’m very excited to see the impact of the event itself.’ Said Joe Hicks, part of the event planning team.
‘It’s fantastic to see so many local supporters, both individuals and organisations, committing to this event in support of the homeless.’
‘We want to offer a final invitation to those individuals or organisations who are interested in taking part but who have not yet signed up yet – it’s not too late!’
‘Your one night of discomfort will make a lifetime of difference…’
Register for the event at: www.lincsymca.co.uk/sleepeasy
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of YMCA Lincolnshire, on Monday 20 February, 2017. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
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01522 508377
Joe Hicks | Marketing & Communications | YMCA Lincolnshire
joe.hicks@theshowroom.org.uk - 01522 508377
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YMCA Lincolnshire is urging local residents to fill the final places for its Sleep Easy fundraising event, with registrations closing this Friday at 6pm.
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