Swan Global Direct Agrees That All Start-Ups Need Support, Not Just Those in London
Entrepreneurs deserve the chance to fulfil their potential and thrive, no matter where they are located
Whilst the level of support available to entrepreneurs in London is admirable and suggests that the UK is starting to embrace entrepreneurship, many companies, such as Newcastle based Swan Global Direct would like to see more widespread support across the UK.
About Swan Global Direct: http://swanglobaldirect.com/
London is now home to over 40 start-up incubators and accelerators, and it's clear to see this increase in support has had a hugely positive effect on the capital's youth, driving innovation and helping young people to see entrepreneurship as a viable and obtainable career option. These incubators and accelerators have helped London to achieve a prominent position as one of the most vibrant and most successful start-up ecosystems in Europe and has gained the city a positive reputation for aiding the fast development and growth of new business.
The success of these accelerators and incubators lies in their ability to form and grow new businesses at pace. In return of a percentage of equity in each business they support, these organisations provide mentoring, guidance and networking opportunities to people who may have otherwise lacked the resources or knowledge to go it alone. Many of these new businesses are part of the technology sector, as this industry is renowned for its fast growth; however a number of accelerators also specialise in helping to launch and develop businesses in other core sectors, such as healthcare and education.
Whilst these support organisations exist up and down the UK, there is a significant cluster in the capital and many are concerned that this is isolating budding entrepreneurs outside of London and limiting the opportunities available to them. Two thirds of incubators and accelerators are based in London, which Swan Global Direct, a Newcastle based sales and event marketing firm believe is putting many of the UK's entrepreneurs at a disadvantage and is having a negative effect on the start-up community. Out of the 24 accelerators not based in London, many are based in recognised hubs of business innovation such as Cambridge, Birmingham and Edinburgh.This has left the North East and South West of England worryingly underserved and is making access to mentoring, financing and networking incredibly difficult for entrepreneurs in these regions.
Swan Global Direct believes that for both these local economies and the national economy as a whole these short comings must be addressed. Without making an effort to provide extra support to these regions of the UK, the nation is in danger of creating business 'dead spots' where job creation and innovation could fall dramatically. Without new business driving innovation and creating jobs, talented workers will likely look elsewhere for opportunities and the economies will suffer from a drop in revenue. Whilst initially localised this will most certainly have a negative impact on the UK economy as a whole and could call a halt to the economy's current period of positive growth.
Swan Global Direct believes that all businesses and entrepreneurs deserve the chance to fulfil their potential and thrive, no matter where they are located. As such, the firm is appealing for the UK to recognise that more needs to be done to support certain regions and take steps to ensure the support available to new entrepreneurs is more evenly spread.
Swan Global Direct is a leading provider in personalised and engaging outsourced sales solutions. The firm use face to face communication and engaging interactive marketing campaigns to build positive customer relationships for their clients. This commitment to delivering great customer service and taking the time to ensure each customer's individual needs are met has helped the firm to achieve impressive results for their clients over the years, both in terms of customer retention and revenue.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Swan Global Direct , on Thursday 25 June, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
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Swan Global Direct Agrees That All Start-Ups Need Support, Not Just Those in London
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