Fortitude Plethora: Supporting the Futures of Young Business Leaders

News provided by Fortitude Plethora on Monday 11th Jul 2016

With development and mentoring being at the heart of everything they do, Fortitude Plethora was thrilled to announce the success 3 new leaders recently.

As they continue to grow and secure a prominent place within the Manchester market, Fortitude Plethora was delighted to celebrate the business development success 3 new leaders last week. Their success is set to mark a huge change for the firm, as with more capable leaders on board they will be able to expand their sales and event marketing campaigns to new territories over the next few months – and generate more business for their client portfolio.

About Fortitude Plethora:

As well as being a great development for the firm, these milestones are also just as important to the firm’s contractors. With many of Fortitude Plethora’s independent contractors working towards securing a leadership role, this recent flurry of success is sure to be a great source of motivation and inspiration. Fortitude Plethora only ever promotes from the inside and regardless of experience or background everyone working with the firm starts at entry level. This means that everyone is offered exactly the same opportunities and has the same shot at success.

Since their establishment back in 2014, Fortitude Plethora has been dedicated to supporting the professional development of young professionals. The firm believe that in an increasingly competitive jobs market young people are finding it more challenging to find a job that offers any real personal development opportunities. This means that young people often become disheartened by their career options and end up in roles that require limited skills or that they lack passion for. By offering only entry level positions with fast track leadership opportunities, Fortitude Plethora are able to give young people the opportunity to work towards goals, test and nurture their skills work in an exciting industry that they can get fully engaged with.

As part of this development and support the firm offer their contractors a wide range of optional and free mentoring, networking and educational events. Topics covered by these resources include business management, marketing, branding and leadership.

Fortitude Plethora is committed to raising brand awareness of their clients’ products through energetic in-person event promotions. Since opening in August 2014, the firm has expanded across Manchester and Liverpool, and are set to move into Essex in August 2016 and two more major cities by February of 2017.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Fortitude Plethora, on Monday 11 July, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow

Fortitude Plethora Leadership Development Opportunities Entrepreneurship Manchester Sales Marketing Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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Fortitude Plethora: Supporting the Futures of Young Business Leaders

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