EA Worldwide Acquisitions MD Claims 2013 Year for Successful Woman to Shine

News provided by EA Worldwide Acquisitions on Monday 13th May 2013

EA Worldwide Acquisitions believe 2013 is the year for women to gain recognition for their successful contributions in business.

London based outsourced sales and marketing firm EA Worldwide Acquisitions have been renowned for their continued support for female entrepreneurs. Managing director Josh Cote at EA Worldwide Acquisitions voices his support for female leaders who will gather for the upcoming Women of the Future Summit 2013 at the London Hilton on Park Lane. “I expect this years Summit to give more women the confidence to start businesses and continue to climb the corporate ladder. Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly popular throughout the UK and I would love to see more female entrepreneurs get credit for their success.”

The upcoming Women of the Future Summit, held on May 15th 2013, brings political business leaders, entrepreneurs and champions of change together for a half-day of invigorating debate. The UK currently boasts some fantastic upcoming female entrepreneurs to watch this year including Tara Hunt, an online marketing pioneer and game developer Jane McGonigal.

The ratio between male and female entrepreneurs is gradually closing, however it does still exist. Around £130 billion is added to the UK economy by business led women, yet only 20% of the 4.8 million people working in enterprise are female. (http://www.engage-sbs.com/female-entrepreneurs-becoming-drivers-of-uk-growth/) The representation and equality of women within the workplace and public life is a topic that always sparks raging debates in the boardroom. However, as these debates continue, a new generation of female global leaders are emerging, and already taking great steps to shaping the future.

Women bring particular characteristics and contributions to the workplace which can give women-owned businesses an advantage over male-owned competitors. For example, statistics show 66% of women are prepared to take substantial risks with business investments and are more likely to consult better with experts, employees and fellow business owners as they emphasize relationship building as well as fact gathering. (http://www.wbc-rgv.org/?page_id=268)

As an entrepreneur himself Josh Cote at EA Worldwide Acquisitions, the leading outsourced sales company specialising in customer acquisition and retention, can empathize with upcoming female entrepreneurs searching for innovative ways to shape their businesses. Rather than achieving results through the traditional mass media platforms, EA Worldwide Acquisitions focus on a more personal and direct approach with clients and customers using face-to-face sale strategies.





Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of EA Worldwide Acquisitions , on Monday 13 May, 2013. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Woman Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship Josh Cote EA Worldwide Acquisitions Small Business Business & Finance Women & Beauty
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