EA Worldwide Acquisitions: 7 Obstacles That Are Holding You Back From Being Successful

News provided by EA Worldwide Acquisitions on Friday 26th Aug 2016

Everyone has the opportunity to be successful. Success is determined by a person’s ability to react to and overcome common challenges that we all face on a daily basis, claims EA Worldwide Acquisitions.

A habit is something we do regularly without consciously thinking much about it. It is an automatic mental and behavioural activity and EA Worldwide Acquisitions believes this plays a crucial role in determining a person’s success. The firm suggests that success is driven by consistency and habits are the basis of this success - or maybe a downfall.

About EA Worldwide Acquisitions: http://www.eaworldwide.co.uk/about-ea-worldwide-outsourced-sales-services/

We are all guilty of occasionally succumbing to negative, unproductive habits and the firm argues that it is time to stop them so we can reach our full potential. Here the firm outlines the 7 main obstacles in the way of achieving success:

1) Lack of vision

EA Worldwide Acquisitions are of the opinion that in order to create change there must be ideas and a vision for how it is going to be achieved. In turn, this should be accompanied by consistent determination to strive for more, whilst maintaining a realistic optimism in setting healthy, realistic targets.

2) Lack of focus

EA Worldwide Acquisitions suggests shifting focus in the direction of hopes and dreams and subsequent actions will lead in that direction. The firm states the importance of focusing on the present – not dwelling on the past and focusing on what is controllable – not what isn’t.

3) Lack of willpower

If a person lacks willpower then they lack the mental strength required to do what needs to be done to ensure success. EA Worldwide Acquisitions believes that we continuously increase levels of self-discipline by practicing giving up things for lent, or things previously considered essential to our daily lives.

4) Trying to please everyone

“Saying yes to everyone's requests means you're saying no to something else and the ability to say no is crucial for success,” emphasises EA Worldwide Acquisitions.

5) Fear

Fear can drastically prevent a person’s growth. It limits us and makes us accept the ordinary or average lifestyle. It is easy to ignore or deny our fears, but the most courageous of our kind admit to fear and the key is to face it and then work to overcome it.

6) An average mentality

EA Worldwide Acquisitions believes that being in the correct mindset is what makes us succeed across all aspects of our life. An average outlook or mentality will prevent us from achieving our dreams - belief in limitation creates limitation.

7) The pursuit of perfection

Striving for perfection is great, but not every task needs to be embellished with the highest levels of greatness. Sometimes it is better to focus efforts on finding solutions to more important, pressing matters.

EA Worldwide Acquisitions is a London-based outsourced sales and marketing firm that specialises in a unique form of direct marketing. By connecting with consumers on a face-to-face basis on behalf of their clients’ brands, the firm are able to encourage long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer. This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.

EA Worldwide Acquisitions has been and continues to be a supporter of self-employment and entrepreneurship. The firm offers a business development opportunity that prepares new entrepreneurs for opening their own business by developing their successful habits and mindset, equipping them with the fundamental skills required for working on a self-employed basis.



Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of EA Worldwide Acquisitions , on Friday 26 August, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

EA Worldwide Acquisitions Success Entrepreneurship Obstacles Business Sales Marketing London Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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