Zenith Ideas’ 5 Characteristics about Extraordinary Salespeople

News provided by Zenith Ideas on Monday 27th Oct 2014

Successful sales people are those who do the same thing every day. Such actions require a unique type of mental toughness, and Zenith Ideas discuss the five characteristics that help exceptional sales people define this type of resilience.

Zenith Ideas is a leading provider of outsourced sales and marketing to clients in Ireland. Located in Dublin, Zenith Ideas develop and execute interactive direct marketing campaigns. On behalf of their clients the firm build strong and lasting connections with customers which dramatically increase brand loyalty, customer acquisition and spreads positive brand awareness. The firm's face to face personal approach to marketing strategies has resulted to the firm seeing an increased demand in their services since their establishment. Because of the guaranteed results and 100% ROI provided to clients, the firm is growing at an impressive rate.

Zenith Ideas attribute much of their success to the sales units working with the company. The sales force have a unique mental toughness and the firm recognise five characteristics that help exceptional sales people to define their resilience.

1 .Achievers – sales professionals invented the use of game mechanics in the workplace. It is effective because salespeople care so much about winning. Achievement (more so than money) is the primary motivation for the best reps. Winning and being recognised by peers is a big deal.

2. Reality distortion field – exceptional salespeople don't get flustered. They have a Zen-like ability to focus on the specific task at hand while exuding an aura of calm confidence.

3. Control freaks – the very best salespeople obsess over every detail of their sales presentation, dress rehearse meetings, meticulously assemble proposals early in the morning. Good salespeople hate surprises and the best way to reduce the chances of being surprised is to focus on every detail of the process.

4. Fiercely loyal – the stereotype of salespeople is that they are constantly scheming to line their pockets with the customers' money. While this might be the case for 'bad' sales reps, the opposite tend to be true for exceptional salespeople. The best are intensely loyal to customers and the brand being represented.

5. Pre-empting– salespeople are optimists. They survive the emotional rollercoaster of winning and losing deals. This optimism is often balanced by a healthy dose of fear. To reduce the risk of things going wrong, actions are put in place to avoid this happening as much as possible.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Zenith Ideas, on Monday 27 October, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Zenith Ideas Dublin Sales Marketing Salespeople Loyalty Traits Personality Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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Zenith Ideas’ 5 Characteristics about Extraordinary Salespeople

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