YourCash And The HTA Announce New CRoP Partnership

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 30th Apr 2015

The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is excited to announce a new CRoP partnership offering to its members from ATM supplier, YourCash. Helping HTA members to save money on their bank charges, and even gain some commission in the process, YourCash ATMs offer a free and simple way to provide cash facilities to customers.

YourCash Ltd is an established provider of ATM services, with a network of over 5,000 cash machines throughout the United Kingdom and Europe. ATMs are fully compliant to Link, VISA and MasterCard® regulations and are completely secure, providing peace of mind to members and their customers. In 2014, YourCash handled over 77 million ATM transactions, dispensing over £3 billion across the UK, Netherlands and Belgium.

"Since installing the ATM, we are banking less cash and are already enjoying a reduction in bank charges." Explains David Issac, Johnsons Garden Centre, Bolton. "Having a Free to Use ATM has given us a competitive advantage over the local charging machines; this has drawn new customers to Johnsons and encourages spend in the garden centre."

HTA members will receive higher commission rates based on the withdrawals on the ATM, and if they choose to use the National Garden Gift Vouchers branded machines, they will receive £100 of National Garden Gift Vouchers in the month following ATM installation.

Ewan Ogilvie, Managing Director for YourCash said, "We are delighted to be working with the HTA. Working with their commitment to their members, we are looking to ensure the ATM becomes a beneficial and welcome new service for all garden centre customers. We are looking forward to working with and supporting the HTA vision and their undoubted success in the future."

Depending on the location footfall and the amount of cash available to fill the ATM each day, YourCash will advise on the most appropriate ATM to be installed. YourCash provide free installation, maintenance and support services for HTA members including:

  • Full UK helpdesk and customer service support
  • Free ATM installation, service and training
  • A dedicated account manager
  • Marketing support including multiple POS options.

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Contact for YourCash:

Nicky Fletcher

Tel: 01908 574100



Twitter: @yourcash

Facebook: /yourcash

LinkedIn: /business/YourCash

The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is the trade association for the UK garden industry. It is dedicated to helping develop the industry and its member businesses, including most garden centres and other garden retailers, growers, landscapers, manufacturers and service providers. The HTA was founded in 1899. Its key roles include: provision of advice-based services such as business improvement schemes, briefings and help lines; training, conferences and events for members; market information and research; promotions such as the National Garden Gift Voucher scheme; and working closely with government and the media to influence policy and projects.

About YourCash

YourCash currently deploys c.5000 ATMs throughout the UK, Netherlands and Belgium. In 2014, the overall business handled c.77 million ATM transactions, equating to £2 billion cash dispensed through the UK estate and €1.5 billion in Europe.

YourCash has plans to expand its international proposition across Europe including the introduction of high-speed ATM terminals, ATM innovation and branding licences, offering business partners and customers a unique ATM service proposition. For more info

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Thursday 30 April, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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