West Bank Israeli settlers fundraise online for military equipment

News provided by The New Arab on Tuesday 15th Oct 2024

The New Arab Unveils 10-Month Investigation on International Crowdfunding Supporting Violent Israeli Settlers

The New Arab has just concluded a comprehensive 10-month investigation into how international non-profit crowdfunding has funnelled resources to violent Israeli settlers since the events of October 7.

Our findings reveal that millions of dollars from taxpayer-funded donations—originating from Western countries and Israel—have been used to purchase military equipment for illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

This investigation uncovers a disturbing trend: ethnic cleansing in Palestine is being covertly supported through tax-deductible donations from Western liberal democracies, often with the backing of Israeli officials.

For full details, read the complete investigative report on our website.

Read the full report here.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Andrea Glioti, Investigative Editor
Email: andrea.glioti@newarab.com

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of The New Arab, on Tuesday 15 October, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Israel Palestine Crowdfunding Violence Arming Taxpayer Military War Gaza Lebanon Settlers The New Arab Investigation Israeli Occupation Main News
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West Bank Israeli settlers fundraise online for military equipment

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