TRI-PIN - the future of PIN security

News provided by TRI-PIN on Wednesday 22nd Jan 2014

TRI-PIN is an award winning revolutionary PIN system the that makes it impossible for people to discover - even if they see or record you typing it in. The inventor of TRI-PIN, Glynn Reynolds, patent has now been published. ( UK patent code: GB 2504157).

The idea for TRI-PIN came after one of Glynn's friends was a victim of bank machine fraud. It can be used on Smart phones, tablets, computers, safes, apps, door access and much much more.

How Does it Work?

It looks like much like any other 10 digit keypad, but instead of each button having just a number, they also have a colour and a symbol/shape.

A user chooses a PIN with a combination of numbers, colours and shapes/symbols:,for example - 3, square, pink, flag.
Each time that the user has to input their pin, the colours and symbols randomly change position on the TRI-PIN keypad, so you’re never pressing the same sequence of keys.

It is a ideal design for touch screen devices, but can also work on computers, ATM machines (with a colour screen), safes and other devices that don't have a touch screen. Because the numbers are static , you press the corresponding key that TRI-PIN shows on the screen. For example, if pink is the first part of you pin, and it’s on 3, you press the 3 one the keypad or keyboard.

To see a demostation please visit

Says Glynn Reynolds: " TRI-PIN is a very simple, but effective idea with a higher level of security than traditional PINs. The great thing about TRI-PIN is that it's a software solution, so if it was available on Apple/Android, all you need to do is update current devices rather than upgrade or change them."

The first company to use TRI-PIN is Lunabee on there oneSafe app on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

If you are interested in licencing TRI-PIN or want more information please email
Glynn is also open to offers for selling the patent.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of TRI-PIN, on Wednesday 22 January, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

PIN ATM Security IPhone IPad Android Password Code Business & Finance Computing & Telecoms
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