Swan Global Direct Offer Their Insights into Building Better Customer Relationships

News provided by Swan Global Direct on Friday 15th Apr 2016

Swan Global Direct are experts in relationship management and offer various ways to enhance customer relationships in business.

About Swan Global Direct: http://www.swanglobaldirect.co.uk/about-us/

Markets are becoming increasingly saturated across all sectors, and the key to maintaining a loyal customer base is by improving customer experience and maintaining strong relationships with customers, says Swan Global Direct. Based in Newcastle the firm offers direct representation using their face-to-face marketing strategies, and builds a lasting connection with a consumer. As small businesses grow it can become a challenge to maintain customer relationships, so the firm share their tips on how to improve customer relations

1. Gather available customer information.

Every business interaction offers data to create a greater understanding of a consumer. Take the time to note this down and refer back when developing marketing strategies. Unsure what information to note? Try purchasing history, job title and budget to personal details and number of dependants.

2. Keep it in the cloud.

Customer data security has been scrutinised in the media frequently of late. Avoid any brand damage by adequately securing any data stored. Brand damage can take a lifetime to restore and be a huge drain on resources.

3. Think mobile.

Have data available at the touch of a button. Add credibility easily by storing customer data in an accessible manner so that a sales person can remain fluid in any customer interactions. Consumers want to feel that their purchase is important to the company, and by removing the need for re-explaining an issue at each interaction removes annoyance from the customer.

CRM can be a fantastic tool for businesses to maintain a business relationship, it is however important not to overlook the consumer's desire for a personalised service. The firm offers a solution to brands who require that personal touch for their customer base, ensuring their consumers feel that their experience is paramount in the brand's goals. Highly qualified to share their opinion, sales and marketing specialist Swan Global Direct has increased their clients' brand loyalty by nearly 44 percent in Q1 2016, compared to the fourth quarter last year.

Swan Global Direct, a Newcastle based sales and marketing firm that works on behalf of their clients' brands to develop unique marketing campaigns, which accurately represent their brands to consumers. The firm connects with consumers on a face-to-face basis, which encourages long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer. This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Swan Global Direct , on Friday 15 April, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Newcastle Customer Service Sales Loyalty Experience Satisfaction Personalised Success Marketing Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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Swan Global Direct

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0191 406 1056

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Swan Global Direct Offer Their Insights into Building Better Customer Relationships

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