Swan Global Direct Offer Advice on How to Propel Your Career Forward
The only thing you should really fear is regret, regret of not trying something when you should have.
Newcastle-based Swan Global Direct pride themselves in offering development opportunities to young people. Here, the firm have offered their advice on how to propel a career forward.
About Swan Global Direct : http://swanglobaldirect.com
Swan Global Direct firmly believe that anyone can make a success of themselves, no matter where they come from, or what background they have, they just have to have a positive attitude and follow this advice:
Be authentic
People appreciate real, meaningful connections at work, nobody needs to become a corporate robot believes Swan Global Direct. "Motivation comes from working on things that we care about but also from working with people we care about," points out the firm. This requires getting to know people, what they love and hate, what they feel rather than just what they think.
Be passionate
If you care and want to make a difference, people will be able to hear that in your voice and the way you move, says Swan Global Direct. Not only does this benefit you but passion is contagious, it can inspire your team, believes the firm. The firm suggests that if you are passionate about what you do, work will no longer feel like work. It will feel like a mission that you want to complete.
Be focused
At some point, a person will have a list of things they can't do or can't get round to doing. However, instead of feeling overwhelmed and giving up, Swan Global Direct suggest focusing on what's really important to accomplish that day. Each day, create a list of critical things that can't wait and focus on them. Focus drives results.
Look forward
It can be easy to get wrapped up in mistakes. But dwelling will not help you to focus, points out Swan Global Direct, and this will impact performance. The firm suggests the "10 years test". Ask yourself – is this a big issue in 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months? What about 10 years? If the issue will not matter in 10 years, stop dwelling on it, lift your head up high and look forward.
Own it
You will be successful at some things and fail at others. The best thing you can do is own it. People will respect you for that because it shows you're willing to work through the good and bad. Most people are only willing to own it when things are good.
Be an artist
Following instructions is safe and easy but it also adds less value to company. You create value by challenging the status quo, points out Swan Global Direct. People have to push the limits of what can be done. This usually involves creativity and out of the box thinking. Don't be afraid of being an artist at work.
Stay Persistent
Most people cannot handle rejection or adversity well. No one said solving tough and important problems was easy. The ones who remain persistent are the ones that persevere.
Embrace your fears
If you're too afraid to apply to a job because you don't know whether you'll be good at it or too afraid to try out a new business idea, you'll never know if you could have succeeded. The only thing you should really fear is regret, regret of not trying something when you should have.
Don't make excuses
Just go and make it happen.
Enjoy the moment
Life is short so make the best of it. Inspire people to do the same.
Swan Global Direct is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Newcastle. The firm develops highly personal campaigns in order to increase their clients' customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty.
Swan Global Direct provides development opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs and are interested in people who are serious about developing and improving their future career opportunities.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Swan Global Direct , on Monday 6 July, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
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Swan Global Direct Offer Advice on How to Propel Your Career Forward
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