Powys charity art club gains support of leading international firm
I remembered my days in care and remembered how my music, crafts and arts saw me through some very difficult periods of my life
Powys Charity art club gains support of leading international firm
A Powys art workshop for children in care, run by fostering charity TACT Cymru, has attracted the support of a leading international supplier of art materials – ColArt, thanks to a former foster child.
Leanne Ellis, lived with a foster family 20 years ago and is now a successful artist and a Product Demonstrator for Winsor & Newton – one of ColArt's brands. To show her appreciation for the life changing support she gained from her foster family she asked ColArt to donate materials for the art club, which it willingly did.
Leanne said: “I am very happy that I have got ColArt's support. When I was asked by TACT to do the workshop for the children in their care I remembered my days in care and remembered how my music, crafts and arts saw me through some very difficult periods of my life. ColArt is all about inspiring creative interest and talent and thought that this would be a great opportunity for the children."
Leanne is running the first TACT workshop to use ColArt's donated materials today - Wednesday, 17 February in Newtown, Powys.
Liza Kindon, ColArt Kidderminster Sustainability Group Leader said: “We are committed to supporting local causes and this is a fantastic initiative to bring art to children in care, making art available to everyone is our passion."
Mark Barratt, Chief Operations Officer and ColArt ambassador for this initiative is equally passionate about making ColArt's products available and particularly to youngsters who may not have the same opportunities as most.
Mark said: “As the leading art supplier, ColArt is delighted to embrace this innovative scheme to help children explore and discover their artistic passions, whatever level that may be, but most of all we are happy to bring some fun into their lives."
Stephen Humphreys, TACT Cymru Deputy Area Manager said: “I'm delighted that ColArt is supporting our art group in Newtown. It will provide an exciting opportunity for our young people to further develop their talents."
The materials that ColArt have donated include acrylic and watercolour paints, paper, painting and sketching pads, paint brushes, quality paint gift sets for special prizes, and an easel.
For all enquiries, quotes and images please contact Laura Luxton at TACT on tel: 02086958133 or mob: 07977411831 or email: l.luxton@tactcare.org.uk.
Notes to Editors
TACT (The Adolescent and Children's Trust) is the UK's largest charity and voluntary agency providing fostering and adoption services.
Our core work involves providing high quality and well supported fostering or adoptive families for children and young people in the care of local authorities. Working in partnership with local authorities from our offices across England, Wales and Scotland, we are dedicated to providing creative, effective and outcome-focused services. We also campaign on behalf of children and young people in care, carers and adoptive families.
ColArt is world leaders within art material, with business in more than 150 countries. The brand portfolio consists of the following brands; Winsor&Newton, Liquitex, Snazaroo, Reeves and Lefranc & Bourgeois. The company has 2000 employees worldwide, and the head quarter is located in London.
Leanne Ellis
To find out more about Leanne Ellis and to view and/or purchase her artwork go to: www.leanneellisart.com
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of TACT, on Wednesday 17 February, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Children In Care Art Club TACT Fostering Charities & non-profits Children & Teenagers Entertainment & Arts Leisure & Hobbies
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Powys charity art club gains support of leading international firm
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