PG3 have record week in business

News provided by PG3 on Tuesday 11th Oct 2016

Sales and marketing specialists, PG3 have revealed their recent successes and discussed their record-breaking week in business.

PG3 recently saw their contractors deliver a record-breaking week of sales which saw the most sales ever recorded in one week since the firm launched in May. The firm has put this incredible achievement down to the hard work and dedication of their self-employed contractors.

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Having broken the firm down into small groups who were each sent to separate locations in order to promote their clients’ services, one group, in particular, did outstandingly well. “This particular group actually broke the record for the number of sales ever achieved for our client in one week,” revealed a spokesperson for the firm.

With competition in the sales and marketing industry rife, this was a fantastic achievement for PG3 who impressed their clients with their dedication and huge results. The firm feels that this is such an impressive feat because it puts the firm in a strong position to attract new clients and to hold-up their guarantee to deliver a high return on investment.

Additionally, for the individuals in the group, it puts them one step closer to upskilling and developing techniques needed to progress within the industry. PG3 has been particularly impressed with the dedication to their clients’ brands and the motivation displayed amongst the group. “Being self-motivated is a key factor in developing an entrepreneurial mind-set which is crucial in order to go far within the sales and marketing industry,” outlined a spokesperson for PG3.

The record-breaking results mean that the firm has been recognised by their clients and within the industry as one of the top-achieving sales and marketing businesses in the country. This means that the firm has the potential to attract new clients, as well as top-talented professionals to their firm which will allow them to grow at a rapid pace. PG3 highlights how the results are also vital for their clients’ growth and shares how as their clients grow this in turn allows the firm to expand their own services.

PG3 is a trading name of AJG Direct. The firm delivers personalised marketing services throughout London and across the UK. PG3 specialises in face-to-face methods of communication in order to drive brand loyalty and personal business relationships between their clients and their consumers. The firm believes that, in turn, this often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of PG3, on Tuesday 11 October, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow

pg3 London Business Growth Success Marketing Sales Record Breakers Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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PG3 have record week in business

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