“Pyjama Party is a great way for you and your little ones to raise money for families with seriously ill children in hospital.
The parents of a little boy who was born with half a heart are calling on their local community to support The Sick Children’s Trust’s Pyjama Party fundraiser this October.
Claire and Alex, from Hemel Hempstead, are asking people to get involved with The Sick Children’s Trust’s Pyjama Party campaign to help the charity support more families, like theirs, when their child is seriously ill in hospital.
Teddy was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome in which the left side of his heart did not develop properly in the womb. At just two days old he was rushed to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for open heart surgery. Although the surgery was a success, and Teddy made good progress initially, one month later he suffered a cardiac arrest and was resuscitated for 35 minutes. Whilst Teddy fought for his life at GOSH, his parents along with his two sister were supported at The Sick Children’s Trust’s Rainbow House, just minutes from Teddy’s hospital bedside. Claire, Teddy’s Mum, says:
“Rainbow House was a godsend. It meant we didn’t have to decide between being with Teddy or the girls. We could eat a meal as a family in the communal kitchen and both the girls could have a bath before settling down to bed. Alex and I then took it in turns going over to see Teddy on the ward.
“For Teddy, having all of us staying just around the corner meant that we were close enough to be at his bedside day or night if he needed us. The ward could contact us directly via the telephone in our room if his condition changed when we weren’t there.
“Thankfully, since that scary ordeal, Teddy has been going from strength to strength! He’s recently undergone his third open heart surgery which was a planned procedure carried out to improve his condition. It was success and Teddy is making a great recovery. At three years old he’s a healthy, happy boy who is ready to take on the world!”
Rainbow House is one of ten ‘Homes from Home’ run by The Sick Children’s Trust. The charity supports around 4,000 families with seriously ill children in hospital every year and although the accommodation is provided free of charge to families, it costs the charity £30 to support a family for one night. Claire and Alex are now encouraging people to take part in The Sick Children’s Trust’s national fundraising campaign, Pyjama Party, to raise at least £30 so that the charity can keep another family just minutes from a loved ones bedside in a ‘Home from Home’. Community Fundraising Officer, Katy Ellis, says:
“Pyjama Party is a great way for you and your little ones to raise money for families with seriously ill children in hospital. The campaign takes place this month but you can hold a party at any point in the year. It’s really easy to get involved, children (or adults!) just need to pick their favourite pyjamas and get sponsored to wear them for the whole day!
“As a charity, we rely entirely on voluntary donations to keep our ‘Homes from Home’ running to support families like Teddy’s during the worst imaginable times so we’d love everyone to get involved!”
To find out more about The Sick Children’s Trust’s Pyjama Party, or to request a free fundraising pack call 020 7638 4066 or email
For further information about The Sick Children’s Trust, please visit
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of The Sick Children's Trust, on Friday 19 October, 2018. For more information subscribe and follow
Charity Campaign Pyjama Party Charities & non-profits Health
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