Not even the 'Beast from the East' stopped this determined dad from raising over £1,200 for charity
“I’m delighted with how much money I have managed to raise for this amazing charity."
A doting dad, who refused to let the ‘Beast from the East’ get in the way of his fundraising efforts, has raised an over £1,200 for The Sick Children’s Trust as thanks for supporting his family with free ‘Home from Home’ accommodation after his son was born seriously ill.
Tim Prosser, 40, from Basildon, spent hours pounding the pavements in the run up to the Brentwood Half Marathon, due to take place last month. However, following the UK’s worst weather in decades, the event had to be cancelled for the first time in 37 years. Determined not to let this stop him, Tim carried on with his fundraising mission and, regardless of the weather, completed his own virtual half marathon a few weeks later.
When Tim’s son, Jack, was born he was starved of oxygen for ten minutes and was rushed from Southend University Hospital to The Royal London Children’s Hospital – miles from his family’s home in Essex. On arrival at the specialist paediatric hospital, Jack underwent emergency cooling treatment where his body temperature was reduced for 78 hours in an attempt to lower the risk of him suffering from any long-term brain damage. Whilst Jack was being treated Tim, and his wife Victoria were given a room at Stevenson House, run by The Sick Children’s Trust, just minutes from their son’s incubator. Dad, Tim, who has since raised over £1,200 for The Sick Children’s Trust, says:
“I was so disappointed when the Brentwood Half Marathon was cancelled. I began looking into other half marathons that I could run instead to justify everyone’s support and sponsorship, but they were all months away. When the organisers said I could complete the race virtually, I was thrilled and jumped at the chance.
“It was a really surreal experience – the roads remained open and there weren’t any spectators to cheer me towards the finish line. Luckily a friend of mine offered to cycle the route alongside me, which really helped to keep me motivated – especially when I hit the wall at 11 miles!
“I’m delighted with how much money I have managed to raise for this amazing charity. I’ve had incredible support from lots of family and friends and the general public, who heard what I was doing and took the time to visit my fundraising page. Because of all their support, more families will be able to stay together, just minutes from their loved one’s hospital bedside.”
The Sick Children’s Trust runs ten ‘Homes from Home’ across the country, supporting families with seriously ill children undergoing specialist treatment in paediatric hospitals across the country. The charity relies entirely on voluntary donations and it costs £30 to support a family for one night. Vicki Roots, Community Fundraising Officer at The Sick Children’s Trust, says:
“Everyone at The Sick Children’s Trust has been amazed by Tim’s determination to complete his fundraising challenge for us despite the dreadful weather. When he first told me that the race was cancelled I really felt for him because I knew just how much hard work he had put into training.
“The money Tim has raised will make a big difference and help support even more families, like the Prossers, who need a ‘Home from Home’ when their child is seriously ill in hospital.
“We’d like to say a huge congratulations to Tim and a massive thank you for choosing to raise money for The Sick Children’s Trust.”
To read more about Tim’s fundraising mission, please visit his fundraising page at:
For further information about The Sick Children’s Trust, please visit
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of The Sick Children's Trust, on Monday 23 April, 2018. For more information subscribe and follow
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Not even the 'Beast from the East' stopped this determined dad from raising over £1,200 for charity
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