Monument to Steve Jobs taken down in St Petersburg, Russia after gay propaganda by Apple CEO and leaks by Edward Snowden

News provided by Pressat Wire on Monday 3rd Nov 2014

On 31 October 2014 the monument to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was taken down in St Petersburg, Russia. The two-meter iPhone, the biggest in the world, was shut off, dismantled and taken away from its previous location in the courtyard of the St Petersburg.

National Research University of Information Technologies (ITMO University). The decision to dismantle the monument was made after the world was exposed to classified information publicized by the former NSA employee Edward Snowden, and after the last week's propaganda of sodomy by Apple CEO Tim Cook.

The monument in the shape of a giant iPhone was unveiled in January 2013 and was always at sight of young university students and school children. In Russia any propaganda of homosexuality or other sexual deviations to minors is prohibited by law. After Apple CEO

Tim Cook publicly called to sodomy, the monument was taken down in pursuance of the Russian Federation law on Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values.

Moreover, recent leaks by the former NSA employee Edward Snowden show that Apple devices basically spy on their owners worldwide and forward the information they collect to the US intelligence agencies. As a result, it was decided that the iPhone can no longer be among the monuments in St Petersburg, the so-called 'northern capital' of Russia. Thus, the giant iPhone was dismantled and taken away for waste management.

Entrepreneur Maksim Dolgopolov (West European Financial Union holding company), the owner of the monument and the initiator of the dismantlement, urged all owners of Apple computers and other devices spying for the US intelligence agencies to switch to products by other manufacturers who have not been disclosed as engaged in espionage.

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Maksim Vladimirovich Dolgopolov has agreed to answer several questions concerning the dismantling of the Steve Jobs monument.

*- Maksim Vladimirovich, what reaction on the dismantling did you get from the ITMO University where the monument was unveiled last year?*

- We received understanding, since after the public propaganda of sodomy by Apple CEO the monument has attained a second meaning hostile to the Russian culture and government laws.

*- Will the monument be redesigned and erected again in a different location, or is there a final decision on the disposal?*

- So far we are not planning for reopening of the monument and see disposal as a preferred option. However, if public opinion research will prompt a redesign and a new unveiling, the main function of the monument will change from telling the story of Steve Jobs

to, for example, facilitating a free call or message to NSA or Apple headquarters. That way all former Apple users will be able to officially state their refusal to use devices that spy on their owners.

*- Who do you recommend instead of Apple?*

- Manufacturers that have a policy of their own rather than following that of the US authorities, manufacturers who do not spy on their customers. I am not going to name any specific brands.

*- Why do you consider Tim Cook's statement to be linked with Apple and iPhone?*

- Because from the moment that the company was first created, Apple PR has been based on the public actions of its leaders. Thus, any public statement by an Apple key figure should be considered equal to policy of the company as a whole.

*- What is your opinion on the initiative put forward by the St Petersburg deputy Vitaly Milonov to ban Apple CEO from entering Russia? *

- We are against personal sanctions and for legal protection of traditional values. Sin must not be viewed as a moral standard. People who are openly going to violate our laws, like the law on protecting children from propaganda of sexual deviations, have no

business being in our country.

*- Do you have any evidence that Apple forwards information to US intelligence agencies?*

- All personal information of Apple users is open to US intelligence agencies. The company had to admit this fact in public after Edward Snowden made his statements.

*- Why do you urge to get rid of iPhones?*

- Not only iPhones. I urge people to get rid of all devices that forward information to US intelligence agencies. In the modern world information is the most valuable resource for most device owners. Unfortunately, Apple has been most cynical about using such

information, and no one who uses their devices is in fact protected from arbitrary will of the western intelligence agencies. It is well known that they are quite hostile toward Russians.

*- Can you be sure that people will turn away from these spying devices on a massive scale? *

- Smart ones will, immediately. Some too smart never will. The majority will eventually come round. At some point everyone bought it and no one thought it was something bad. Now that we know that iPhones are more dangerous than cigarettes or drugs and Apple

devises are the symbol of sodomy, clever people worldwide will turn away from using Apple products.

*- Back in 2013 did you have any idea that a monument to Steve Jobs and iPhone can entail such consequences?*

- The monument was unveiled last year in January, that is, before the leaks by Edward Snowden. At that point the dangerous nature of Apple devises was not yet obvious, we all bought into the beautiful American story about Steve Jobs. It was a juicy legend about a

self-taught IT genius who created a global top IT enterprise from scratch. Now it became clear that the legend and the company itself with its success story were more of a cover up for US NSA operations including worldwide spying on Apple customers.

*- What do you think about possible criticism from your western business partners?*

- In fact, my foreign partners from different countries have expressed their support. Aggressive ways of the US and its intelligence agencies give rise to criticism everywhere where pro-western mass media have failed to establish its totalitarian lies.

*- Do you think dismantling the monument could cause difficulties for ITMO University on the international arena? *

- No, I do not. I am sure the University will actually become more prestigious and well-known in the world. Even if at the moment this is not obvious for its respected and highly professional leadership. Let me make it clear: dismantling is my personal decision

as the owner of the monument and the initiator of its last year's unveiling.

*- Is the leadership of West European Financial Union concerned about personal sanctions?*

- I love my country and enjoy being here more than anywhere else. Russia has been growing into a world center, and in the upcoming years it will become clear to all those who are still trying to follow the 'citizen of the world' concept with its faulty values of

'the civilized counties'. This is why any sanctions on their behalf are not a punishment but rather a gift for a Russian citizen.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Monday 3 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Monument to Steve Jobs taken down in St Petersburg, Russia after gay propaganda by Apple CEO and leaks by Edward Snowden

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