Law Firm Davis Woolfe Launch New Website

News provided by Davis Woolfe on Friday 31st Jul 2020

To mark our first anniversary, we are excited to share with you our new website which captures and celebrates our ethos perfectly: Creating strategies that win. Simple.

  • Meet the team, familiarise yourself with some new faces and let us know if you want to be part of our exciting journey.
  • For validation, please see our honest and refreshing client Testimonials.
  • Follow our CSR progress to understand our values and what motivates us, our existing responsible business activities and what we have in store for the future.
  • Please return for regular insights into current legal affairs and topical conversations on our News tab.

As well as providing the best for our clients, we believe that the long-term success of our firm is running it in an ethical and sustainable way and working with organizations who also share our values. Davis Woolfe are committed to supporting diversity, inclusion and well-being, both within and outside of the team. We therefore support charities we believe in, collaborate only with other like-minded organisations and are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all to make the biggest impact we can.

‘A year ago we set up Davis Woolfe to make a difference; last month was the first year anniversary of Davis Woolfe and it also marks 20 years since I began my career in law. I have always surrounded myself with like-minded people, and as a general rule I have always acted for people who share my values and need my help. From this we shaped our three core values:

  1. Being kind to each other;
  2. Helping clients by only taking on cases we really believe in and where we can make a positive contribution;
  3. Giving back to society generally.

These are unique, challenging times for everyone, but the recent upheaval worldwide has shown us that the spirit to challenge injustice is alive and kicking’.

Guy Davis, Managing Partner, Davis Woolfe

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Davis Woolfe, on Friday 31 July, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow

Law Legal Launch Litigation Davis Woolfe Firm Solicitors London Anniversary Diversity Inclusion Public Sector & Legal
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Law Firm Davis Woolfe Launch New Website

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