Introducing.. The amputees of Africa
Give these people back their mobility and their dignity. Change their lives so they don't have to ask for help every step of the way.
What would you give for a normal life?
Maybe you have donated time, money or a prosthetic limb. Maybe you want to know more about the people that you will help before you make a donation.
In this new series of videos Legs4Africa is proud to introduce the people that your aid can help. It is a weekly insight into the lives of the people who, without your donation, struggle with everyday tasks. It is such a simple thing to walk and to be mobile and yet something that is denied to so many amputees in Africa.
These are real people with real lives. They don't want your sympathy, they just want your understanding and your help to get back on their feet.
You can help restore their freedom to move, a freedom that Legs4Africa can provide.
This series of short films lets you into the lives of the people you help. It lets you see how a prosthetic limb can improve the life, not only of the amputee, but their families, relieving them of the burden of looking after a handicapped father, mother, son or daughter.
The first inspiring video Legs4Africa meets Mariama Mjie. She lost her leg after giving birth to her daughter and has continued to teach. She admits that life is hard but refuses sympathy, instead asking for empathy and for people to recognise that she doesn't ask for help, she only asks that people understand. Maria strongly believes that differently abled people can be part of the economic development of Africa, just like everyone else.
"Give these people back their mobility and their dignity. Change their lives so they don't have to ask for help every step of the way." Tom Williams, founder of Legs4Africa.
Join our Facebook page or follow us on twitter and meet just a few of the amazing amputees Legs4Africa are helping… 1700 legs and counting.
Legs4Africa dream of an Africa where amputees have what they need to get back on their feet.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Legs4Africa, on Tuesday 28 April, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow
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+44 (0)780353630
Tom Williams, Legs4Africa Founder, 0780353630 -
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Introducing.. The amputees of Africa
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