Introducing Embla, a leading Danish digital weight loss clinic now available in the UK

News provided by Embla Health UK Limited on Friday 21st Apr 2023

Britain has one of the highest levels of obesity in Europe; almost three-quarters of adults over 45 are overweight or obese, and these figures continue to rise.* Unfortunately, obesity is the root cause of many diseases, putting a huge strain on the UK healthcare system.

(*According to figures from The Health Survey for England in 2021.)

Embla has already helped over 6,000 people in Denmark, with its members seeing an average weight loss of 16%. It is now available in the UK, providing personalised support for people living with obesity.

Backed by science and a team of medical doctors and health experts, Embla combines modern medicine, coaching, and technology, as well as focusing on sleep, movement and emotions connected with weight loss. Its mission is to shape the future of preventative healthcare, providing its members with a holistic and responsible solution for sustained weight loss to improve their health, prevent disease and increase their lifespan.

Why choose Embla

Embla empowers its members to change their own health by creating a safe space and ongoing support during their weight loss journey. Providing 24/7 online health coaching, medication prescribed by Embla’s team of doctors and nurses, along with digital progress monitoring and support to ensure member success, Embla has fast become Denmark’s largest and best-rated weight loss clinic which is now available in the UK. Embla protocols involve a stringent and responsible screening process to ensure suitability and that they are only taking on those individuals with genuine health and weight concerns.

Embla’s prescription medication

Following a full health suitability assessment and screening process, Embla prescribes medication Semaglutide to reduce appetite, so its members eat less. This medication mimics a hormone produced by the body which slows down the movement of food in your gut so you stay fuller for longer. However, this is only a small part of the Embla journey to give members a guiding hand and provide the boost they need; the program mainly focuses on preparing for life after the medication and continuing to maintain weight loss sustainably and holistically through a nutritional diet, exercise, and positive mental and emotional wellbeing.

How the program works

1. Sign up through the Embla website or app and book your first free consultation with a doctor or nurse.

2. The first consultation with an Embla doctor or nurse is via a video call to discuss your weight loss journey, medical history, and BMI to determine if the program is

suitable. Patients are carefully screened and given possible contraindications (diabetic ketoacidosis, pregnancy, previous eating disorder and cancer/cancer treatment) and cautions (diabetic retinopathy, history of pancreatitis, severe congestive heart failure and clinically diagnosed mental health disorder). They also undergo weight and ID confirmation for safeguarding.

3. If suitability is confirmed, medication by an Embla doctor is prescribed and delivered. Members are assigned a personal health coach to address eating habits, exercise and psychological processes involved in losing weight.

4. Members have regular contact with Embla’s team of experts to check on their progress and commitment to the program; medication is also reduced or stopped when goals have been achieved.

5. Most Embla members stay on the program for approximately one year to continue their coaching after they stop taking the medication to ensure sustainable weight loss goals; however, this will vary depending on the individual’s end goals and personal success.

Embla’s mobile app

Embla provides its members with access to 24/7 support through its online program and app; this way, they always have access to a personal health coach and advice from an expert. Members also benefit from a knowledge library tailored to where they are in their weight loss journey.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Embla Health UK Limited, on Friday 21 April, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow

Weight Loss Health BMI Semaglutide Ozempic Wegovy Weight-Loss Dieting Obesity Weight Loss Medication Business & Finance Food & Drink Health Lifestyle & Relationships Medical & Pharmaceutical Men's Interest Women & Beauty
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Embla Health UK Limited
+44 (0)7853 704411
Ella Duradbegovic, Communications and Campaigns Lead
+45 25758613

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* For more information regarding media usage, ownership and rights please contact Embla Health UK Limited.

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Introducing Embla, a leading Danish digital weight loss clinic now available in the UK

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