International development charity Motivation welcomes Government’s revised Disability Framework and commitment to ensure that ‘no one is left behind’
To coincide with today's UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD) the Department for International Development (DFID) is publishing its revised 'Disability Framework' – first developed a year ago today. Motivation alongside the international development community welcomes this revised framework as it moves DFID a step closer towards realising its ambition to ensure that all of its development programmes are 'systematically inclusive of people with disabilities'.
In particular Motivation values the time that DFID has put into reviewing progress to date – especially by working with country offices to understand and document what is happening in the field. At the same time we have been delighted to have been involved in the process as DFID has sought advice and input from civil society, including organisations like Motivation.
Motivation has been able to share its learning and expertise from running a number of programmes in some of the world's poorest countries, most recently in Uganda and Malawi where DFID has provided invaluable funding as a result of UK Aid from the UK Government. These projects were designed with disabled people at their heart. Having listened to what disabled people tell us are the most pressing issues and challenges, we have been able to include them in the development, implementation and evaluation of all activities. Equally we have been able to provide DFID with clear statistics on impact to illustrate how projects that are inclusive of disabled people can make headway towards achieving real change.
This is particularly relevant as international governments, global humanitarian organisations and NGO's sign up to the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have at their heart a commitment to eradicate poverty, combat inequality and realise human rights for all.
Head of Programmes, Tamsin Langford comments “The revised Disability Framework not only demonstrates DFID's on-going commitment to addressing some of the barriers faced by disabled people but it will act as an important tool to influence global development efforts and ensure that some of the world's most vulnerable people are not side-lined in the roll out and implementation of the new SDGs.”
“And today's theme of Inclusion provides us with the perfect platform to highlight the important work that Motivation and other development partners are undertaking all over the world to ensure that that 'all' people receive the same opportunities, whether that's through economic prosperity, inclusive education or fairer access to healthcare.”
Motivation looks forward to working with DFID, other international governments, our partners across the sector and donors as they implement the revised Disability Framework and react to the SDGs to focus their aid efforts and financial support accordingly, to improve the quality of life of disabled people living in some of the world's poorest countries.
For more information, contact:
Tamsin Langford / 01275 464012
Joanna Hall / 01275 464012
Photo & Case Studies available on request
Notes to Editors:- DFID has developed the framework in discussion with Disabled People's Organisations and Non-Government Organisations working on disability. Stakeholders in the UK disability sector including Motivation welcome this framework and DFID's desire to approach disability more systematic and comprehensively in their work.
- UK registered charity Motivation has been transforming lives in low income countries for almost 25 years, with the right wheelchairs, training and support we help people to get mobile, healthy and play an active part in their communities.
- Motivation's projects in Uganda and Malawi have been supported by UK Aid from the UK Government
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Motivation Charitable Trust, on Thursday 3 December, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow
Development DFID Disability Framework Sustainable Disabled Government Inclusion UN Charities & non-profits Government Health
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International development charity Motivation welcomes Government’s revised Disability Framework and commitment to ensure that ‘no one is left behind’
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