Imperyo Thrilled as Watford Lead the Charge in Entrepreneurship Education

News provided by Imperyo on Monday 23rd May 2016

As a primary school in Watford trials an education programme aimed at teaching young children about entrepreneurship, Watford-based Imperyo have reviewed why this is such a crucial step in securing a brighter business future.

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A primary school in Watford has revealed that it is trialing a new education programme teaching pupils as young as seven how to be entrepreneurs. Stanborough Primary School has been testing the Ultra Education programme since last November and has reported some fantastic results across the board.

Developed by teachers and entrepreneurs the programme aims to link entrepreneurial skills with academic subjects such as Maths, English and Science. By helping children to improve their communication skills and understanding of profit and loss, the programme helps children who may struggle academically to make sense of difficult subjects by building a bank of transferrable, practical skills.

One of the greatest impacts of the Ultra Education programme however, has been the role it has played in the children’s self-esteem. It not only teaches them to follow their dreams and have confidence in their ideas, it also helps them to develop an entrepreneurial mind set and teaches that success in life doesn’t just depend on academic skill. Watford -based sales and marketing firm Imperyo believe that this is a vital lesson for children to learn, and that teaching this at a young age will reduce the number of children who lose interest or drop out of education later on in life.

Imperyo are confident that whether the participants of the programme actually go on to pursue entrepreneurship or choose to enter the workforce, the skills they have learnt on the programme will lay the groundwork for future success. For a long time Imperyo - who themselves offer entrepreneurial opportunities to young professionals - have called for entrepreneurial education to have a stronger presence in the national curriculum. For almost 10 years, business leaders such as Richard Branson and Theo Paphitis have been calling for entrepreneurship to be taught in schools, yet the Ultra Education programme is still one of the few examples of this happening within the UK. Imperyo are hopeful that seeing the success of the programme in Watford will encourage more schools to increase their entrepreneurial education activities and improve their students’ education of practical life and career based skills alongside their academic subjects.

Based in Watford, Imperyo is an outsourced sales and marketing firm that help UK brands form stronger connections with their target audience and generate a greater quantity of sales. Through face-to-face customer communication, the firm are able to deliver highly tailored customer experiences, increase customer satisfaction and ultimately improve their clients’ customer loyalty and sales.

Due to the continued growth of their industry, Imperyo have made a commitment to educating the next generation of business leaders. Through specially designed workshops, on the job development and mentoring and networking opportunities, the firm help young professionals create an entrepreneurial mind-set and boost their understanding of business.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Imperyo, on Monday 23 May, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow

Imperyo Education Entrepreneurship Development Watford Marketing Sales Teaching Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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Imperyo Thrilled as Watford Lead the Charge in Entrepreneurship Education

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