HalloQueen! Late Queen Elizabeth II Attended Seance In Kensington, London

News provided by Nub Music on Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024

A new film now streaming on Prime Video tells of a paranormal encounter the late Queen had in a flat in Kensington in 1953.
Psychic, Lilian Bailey, was taken from her home in Wembley by a courier to a residence in Kensington where she was blindfolded. She was then asked to conduct a Seance to a unknown group. Bailey then summoned her spirit guide - Captain Wooton - who then produced messages for the assembled guests.
Once the Seance had finished she was told to move the blindfold and to her astonishment she saw in the audience: The Queen, The Queen Mother, Prince Philip and Princess Alexandria. 

The Queen was hoping to summon the spirit of her recently deceased father George VI. Details of what messaged were relayed to the royals are non known but the Queen Mother was so taken with what she heard that night that she arranged further meetings!

The film also looks into the many ghosts that haunt the Royal palaces especially Windsor Castle where King Charles is said to have seen the ghosts of Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth 1st.
In an interview with paranormal historian Richard Felix (from TV's Most Haunted) we also hear of details of a more recent sighting that Prince William and Princess Catherine have had at their home at Amner Hall in Norfolk. Here they have seen the ghost of the Catholic priest Henry Walpole who was executed in York but his spirit has since returned to his home in Norfolk.

When asked about the ghost at his home Prince Williams said:

"It's an old building we have ghosts it's just part of life."

Richard Felix explains how the Royal family are all at ease with the paranormal: 

"Well, you see, the thing is that obviously most of the, all of their properties, I would say are old, ancient. I mean to quote Longfellow, "All houses where in men have lived and died are haunted houses." So they've got buildings that have got history beyond anything. All of their properties, well have got ghosts in them. It's as simple as that. And they know it. And yeah, they're into it. I mean, 'cause they've witnessed it. They've seen things, heard things, sensed things. The late queen, of course, I mean she saw her namesake, Queen Elizabeth in the library of Windsor Castle. The king. He's seen the same ghost, Queen Elizabeth. His grandfather, George the sixth saw Queen Elizabeth the first eight times in the library before the start of the second World War. They live with their ghosts, 'cause people do. You see most people aren't frightened of ghosts when they're in their houses, because they just accept them."

Director of King Of UFOs Mark Christopher Lee adds:

"The royals are all at ease with the paranormal. Their homes are full of ghosts and the best part of it they just accept it. It doesn't bother or scare them!"

The King Of UFOs is now streaming on Amazon Prime.
Watch the trailer here:


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Nub Music, on Wednesday 23 October, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Halloween Ghosts Amazon Prime Royal Family Prince William Princess Catherine Haunted House Ufo Paranormal Most Haunted Entertainment & Arts Government Halloween
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HalloQueen! Late Queen Elizabeth II Attended Seance In Kensington, London

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