Family's Tragedy Inspires Community to raise Money in Memory of Their Son
“The family are truly inspirational and we are completely in awe of Ewan’s bravery."
The friend of a couple who lost their son just weeks before his second birthday, has raised over £400 for The Sick Children’s Trust after being inspired by his memory.
Keith Mawson, a maintenance man from Consett, completed a two day sponsored trek for the charity as thanks for supporting his friends, Vicky Anderson and Michael Knox, when their little boy Ewan was in hospital.
After being born seriously ill, at just a day old Ewan was rushed to Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) for an operation to help him breathe. He was diagnosed with a condition called Hallermann–Streiff syndrome – an extremely rare genetic disorder found in just 150 people worldwide. His symptoms were manageable, and after five week, once he was stable, his parents could take him back home to Carlisle.
It wasn’t until a year later that Ewan was readmitted to hospital with further complications. He was in and out of his local hospital and the RVI for months, but from February his health rapidly deteriorated and his parents were told he was dying. Sadly, Ewan passed away at the RVI in April this year following a courageous battle.
During his treatment, Vicky and Michael stayed at Crawford House – free accommodation located at the hospital and run by The Sick Children’s Trust charity. Crawford House meant that the couple were just a few steps away from their son’s bedside, allowing them to be with him at all times, creating special memories with him.
Since he passed away, Ewan has inspired friends, family and people from the local community to fundraise over £6,500. Keith, who was joined by partner Karen Mawson on the challenge, used to work with Vicky in the Army Cadets. He says:
“When Vicky told us Ewan had passed away, I felt like I needed to do something on her behalf and in Ewan’s memory. Hearing his story about how brave was so inspiring.
“Vicky told us she had been given a ‘Home from Home’ run by The Sick Children’s Trust and said how much it had helped her, so doing a trek for the charity in Ewan’s memory seemed appropriate.
“It was challenging and really enjoyable, it took Karen and I four hours to get to the top of the mountain and when we were up there something very moving happened. We saw a couple who were also doing the walk and they were so inspired when we told them about Ewan, they sponsored us. Now next year, we are hoping to do another sponsored walk to continue to support Vicky and Michael, and help them thank The Sick Children’s Trust.”
Vicky and Michael were supported with ‘Home from Home’ accommodation by The Sick Children’s Trust on six separate occasions, for around 60 days in total. Mum Vicky says:
“Since we lost Ewan, we’ve had two big events to conquer – his funeral and what would have been his second birthday. We’ve managed these traumatic days by focusing on raising awareness and funds for The Sick Children’s Trust, to thank the charity for enabling us to stay close to Ewan’s side. They enabled us to be with him every single day, through the rough and the smooth. Without The Sick Children’s Trust, our family would have been separated, and we'd have fewer memories of shared time with Ewan.
“We have raised over £6,500 for the charity now - £6,500! That’s the impact our son had on people. How could you not be proud of that? He will help so many more children have their parents by their side. We’ve had wonderful messages which show just how much he touched people’s hearts and how much of an inspiration he was.
“We’d like to say a huge thank you to Keith and everyone else who has found a place for Ewan in their hearts and continues to keep his memory alive.”
Crawford House supports the families of seriously ill children being treated at Newcastle’s RVI. The ‘Home from Home’ has 23 family bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, a large communal dining room and kitchen – running the house is entirely reliant on voluntary donations. House Manager Gail Stonley says:
“When Ewan passed away, we all felt Vicky and Michael’s loss but we’re comforted to know that by providing ‘Home from Home’ accommodation to them they could be with him right up until that final goodbye.
“The Sick Children’s Trust believes that every child should have their loved ones by their side when they are seriously ill in hospital, and for Ewan it was extremely important that Vicky and Michael had a room just minutes’ away from his bedside.
“The family are truly inspirational and we are completely in awe of Ewan’s bravery. Thank you so much for thinking of us at this time.”
For further information on The Sick Children’s Trust, please visit:
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of The Sick Children's Trust, on Monday 20 June, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow
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Family's Tragedy Inspires Community to raise Money in Memory of Their Son
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