Data Reform in Direct Marketing Leads to Boost in Sales for Swan Global Direct

News provided by Swan Global Direct on Thursday 19th Jun 2014

The UK direct marketing industry has faced some challenges in recent years but it has generally proved resilient, maintaining a steady growth thanks to the widespread use of direct marketing in virtually every industry. Swan Global Direct have benefited from the industry’s success and strongly support the data reform.

Consumer rights agency Which? have called for the government to have a more no nonsense approach to unsolicited marketing calls and texts, which are not only a nuisance to consumers, but can have a lasting and damaging effect on a business’s reputation.

In some cases customers are going to extreme levels in order to stop irritating sales calls. Lee Beaumont, an ecommerce business owner even went as far as changing his phone number to a premium rate number, costing companies 10p a minute to contact him and earning him £300 in the process. With a growing presence online, it’s now easier than ever for consumers to speak out against companies they feel have provided an unsatisfactory service. Online customer complaints have the potential to reach a massive audience and can seriously tarnish a company’s reputation very quickly. With 7 out of 10 people receiving unwanted sales calls regularly, businesses are being urged to find other more acceptable means for contacting potential and existing consumers. Many businesses are now turning to direct and event marketing solutions as an alternative method of acquiring new customers in light of the recent report by Which?.

Swan Global Direct, an event marketing company based in Newcastle are seeing an increase in businesses coming to them for help in reaching new customers and improving sales. With the call for a government crackdown on nuisance calls it would appear that businesses are starting to realise that telemarketing strategies aren't doing them any favours in such a competitive and consumer lead market. By switching to a more face to face and friendly approach even companies with less than perfect customer reviews can move towards changing customers’ perception of them.

In store, direct marketing techniques are not restrictive and can be applied to any industry or brand, by working with an event marketing service businesses can put in place a tailor made marketing campaign that will target consumers in an appropriate way. By marketing their brand in a sales environment like a shopping centre, businesses are far more likely to see results compared to mail and telemarketing practices. This is down to approaching the consumer in an environment where they’re in a more open consumer mind-set, whereas contacting consumers at home is invasive and in most cases an unwanted disturbance.

By interacting with potential consumers on a one to one basis, consumers are far more likely to put their trust into that brand or service, compared to the faceless sales pitch many consumers are bombarded with through mail and telesales. This trust in turn leads to an increase in customer loyalty and strong customer relationships.

Swan Global Direct provides event based marketing solutions to companies looking to increase customer acquisitions and productivity. Based on thorough market research and analysis Swan Global Direct help clients to seek out the best way to reach potential customers and plan strategies that ensure notable results. 

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Swan Global Direct , on Thursday 19 June, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

Which? Swan Global Direct Newcastle Telemarketing Marketing Event Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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Data Reform in Direct Marketing Leads to Boost in Sales for Swan Global Direct

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