Criminal Justice Workers Union - PSPRB report 20/21
Criminal Justice Workers Union Press Release
Prison Service Pay Review Body final report 2020-2021
The Criminal Justice Workers Union are extremely disappointed in the Prison Service pay review body final report 2020-2021, published 19/10/2021, and this Government’s decision to accept recommendations 2-4.
In a statement released by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary for State for Justice Mr Dominic Raab, he claims –
“Accepting recommendations 2, 3 and 4 will deliver a pay rise for over half of our prison service staff, according to internal estimates. This pay award will be paid this Autumnand will be backdated to 1 April 2021.”
“The PSPRB recommended that those with the lowest pay should be uplifted by £250. This means that all prison staff with a basic salary below £24,000 (on a full-time equivalent basis) should receive a consolidated pay award of £250. The Government has accepted this recommendation, recommendation 2, in full.”
The Government has also accepted recommendations 3 and 4, meaning that eligible prison staff who have not reached the top of their pay band will also continue to receive progression pay of up to 5%. Of this group, some of our lowest paid staff are also eligible for the £250 uplift under recommendation 2”
However, the report identifies what is in reality a real terms pay cut for the majority of our members working in Public Sector Prisons at various grades.
In the last 18 months, Public Sector Prison Staff have continued to work on the frontline despite the Covid-19 pandemic, putting themselves and their family at risk with the bare minimum of personal protection equipment. They have witnessed the loss of both colleagues and Prisoners alike.
On 29th September 2021, Prison Service staff were encouragedto support the Butler Trust #HiddenHeros day, a chance to thank everyone across the community and custodial estates for the outstanding work they do, on all our behalves, and in particular, at this time, for the truly remarkable way they have responded to the challenges of Covid-19. This event was supported by HRH the Princess Royal as she visited HMP Brinsford, with Jo Farrar, Chief Executive of HMPPS and MrDominic Raab expressing their thanks to the staff that working in our prisons for their hard work during these unprecedented times.
Yet, less than a month latter this announcement by Mr Dominic Raab offers a derisory pay increment to some staff but subjects the majority of Prison Service staff to no pay increase what so ever. This is an injustice for all our members with this government missing an opportunity to recognise the loyal service of all public sector prison staff during this pandemic.
The Criminal Justice Workers Union requests an urgent meeting with Mr Dominic Raab and his team to discuss our concern at how this decision could encourage more Prison Service staff to seek employment elsewhere with better wages and a decreased risk of violence whist going about their daily duties.
The Criminal Justice Workers Union would like to take this opportunity to say a very big heart felt thank you to all our members including admin staff, non-operation staff, operational staff, Governor grades and finally to all our partner agencies for their hard work during the last 18 months.
Dave Gillan CJWU President
“Sadly, this is not even a surprise from this Government. This pitiful pay award really delivers a message to our hard working and dedicated professional prison staff. It says we don’t value or care about you.
When a Government makes a statement like this to its own workforce it creates resentment. Our members are resentful at this award especially after some of the most difficult months ever spent working in prisons in the UK.”
Andy Hamlin CJWU General Secretary
“This decision is a real “kick in teeth” for our hard working members, who have continued to work to an extremely high standard despite a worldwide pandemic. Unlike other emergency services such as the NHS and the Police, the work done by professional Prison Staff has been completely ignored.
The recommendation to award the lowest paid staff a consolidated £250 increase, at a time when all household bills are increasing significantly, will leave Prison Staff demoralised and undervalued. Whilst those experienced and long serving staff receive nothing is a disgrace, thisGovernment should hang their heads in shame at how they have treated staff who 4 weeks ago were described as Hidden Hero’s.
This pay review has also done nothing to address the ongoing issues of recruitment and retention within the prison service will add to the current trend of experienced staff leaving the service.
Our members and all staff that work, at all grades, in our prison are professional individuals who work in dangerous conditions and deserve to be treated better than the current Government have shown in this pay review.”
Criminal Justice Worker Union Executive Committee
Criminal Justice Workers Union
Orchard House, 5 Saxon Avenue,
Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2RP
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Criminal Justice Workers Union, on Thursday 21 October, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow
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Criminal Justice Workers Union - PSPRB report 20/21
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