Complete One: Four ways to boost the health of UK SMEs

News provided by Complete One on Thursday 11th Jun 2015

Although certain economic factors have made it easier for SMEs to achieve low levels of growth in recent months, sales and event marketing firm Complete One believe there is still massive room for improvement, the firm have shared four ways they believe the UK could help SMEs.

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Thanks to a small peak in customer confidence and an increase in bank lending, SMEs have benefited from a more favourable economy of late. However, despite this UK SMEs are still not as healthy as they should be and growth rates are still slightly lower than they could potentially be. Complete One, an outsourced event marketing firm based in Newcastle believe that part of the problem SMEs are experiencing when it comes to growth lies in their inability to attract top talent to their business, and that many are failing to promote a positive company character when trying to appeal to new candidates.

Complete One believes that the first step to achieving company growth is for SMEs to decide on a common goal that the entire workforce can work towards. Not only does this help to boost productivity and workplace communication, it also sends out a strong message of team work and promotes that a company is ambitious. By focusing on creating a positive and strong company culture based on universally acknowledged values, SMEs will be able to attract a higher calibre of candidate and work towards building a stronger, more dedicated team that can support future growth and success.

Complete One believes that for UK SMEs to create a positive and company character where a common goal is shared there are 4 key factors that the UK as a whole should address:

University awareness

Universities should be doing more to educate and prepare students on small business ownership, rather than working for larger corporations. This will help new business owners to not only understand the responsibilities of running a business, but learn the importance of building a strong brand identity and developing individual brand values.

Career Options

Many young people have been conditioned to believe working for SMEs as a stepping stone towards working for a larger, more prominent business say Complete One, and this way of thinking needs to stop. SMEs can often provide young people with the opportunity to grow and progress with the company. Complete One believes SMEs need to do more in order to promote these opportunities in order to attract top talent to their businesses.

Social Strength

Social Media is becoming a prominent force when it comes to marketing businesses and connecting to a wider audience. Complete One believe that UK SMEs need to welcome the use of social media, learn how to use it and allow their younger workers to take charge and utilise their strengths, to ensure their marketing efforts across these platforms are focused and effective.

Complete One believes that by implementing these changes throughout the UK will help improve the health of UK SMEs and allow them to each build a meaningful and positive company character. As a result, it will help them to attract new candidates and boost their growth opportunities, no matter what the economic forecast.

Complete One specialises in event marketing campaigns and implement and manage campaigns throughout the UK for a wide range of clients. Through face to face customer communication in retail venues and at specialised events the firm build stronger connections between their clients and their target audience by providing a focused, personalised service. This helps their clients to achieve a stronger market reputation and boost sales by tailoring their services and products to meet individual customer needs.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Complete One, on Thursday 11 June, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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Complete One: Four ways to boost the health of UK SMEs

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