Complete One Attend 2015 Sales and Marketing Awards

News provided by Complete One on Wednesday 13th May 2015

Complete One travelled from their office in Newcastle to attend an important event held at the Royal Festival Hall in London – the 2015 Sales and Marketing Awards.

The prestigious venue, the Royal Festival Hall, located on the South Bank in London, opened its doors to more than 1500 attendees for the awards ceremony, which is more than what was expected and more than the event has ever seen before. Complete One were thrilled by this as it means that the sales and marketing industry is growing at a spectacular rate and this is exciting for everyone involved. At the ceremony, major awards were given out for: Business Owner of the Year, Rookie Owner of the Year, Come-back Business Owner of the Year and Top Sales Business of the Year.

Managing Director, Glen Lowes and the rest of Complete One's sales force travelled from Newcastle to London for the event, to celebrate the many successes in the industry over the past 12 months and witness the top entertainment and many inspiring speakers from around the world.

Not only was there a surprise performance from X-Factor runner up Fleur East but there were inspiring stories of achievements from industry entrepreneurs which were extremely motivating for everybody who attended the event and showed that everyone can achieve their dreams if they put their minds to it. The funny anecdotes and motivational tales kept everybody hooked and Complete One left the event feeling more motivated than ever and ready to get back to their Newcastle office and continue this positive atmosphere in their business.

The awards ceremony event was a huge success, bigger and better than ever before – not only were the awards given away in their usual categories but this year there were spot prizes handed out to the audience including a flat screen TV, Series 4 BMW convertible, iPads, Play Station 4's as well as T-shirts and products from the event sponsors.

Complete One is excited to continue on this positive path and has returned to Newcastle feeling motivated and having learnt new skills. Managing Director, Glen Lowes believes that if his firm continues in this direction that they will be on the stage in 12 months' time collecting awards for their outstanding achievements within the sales and marketing industry.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Complete One, on Wednesday 13 May, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

Newcastle Complete One Sales Event Marketing London Southbank Awards Startups Business & Finance Charities & non-profits Entertainment & Arts Leisure & Hobbies Media & Marketing Men's Interest Travel & Tourism
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Glen Lowes

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Complete One Attend 2015 Sales and Marketing Awards

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