Atlas Outsourcing Ltd Disagree With Recent Claims That UK Businesses Need to be ‘Less Polite’

News provided by AtlasCorp on Thursday 13th Nov 2014

Despite the recent claims that brand Britain is increasing in popularity overseas, The Duke of York announced at a recent event that British businesses are holding themselves back by being too polite. Atlas Outsourcing disagrees with these claims, and share why they believe politeness is part of the British charm overseas.

The Duke of York recently told the BBC that British businesses need to be less polite, more competitive. He said, "There are other nations that are more keen to get the job than we are." He added that companies need to be "more bullish" in their dealings, stating that the UK has a lot of economic activity in the US and should not be afraid of having a large amount of activity in China. The Duke of York also said, "We are happy that we've taken part, done our best, but our best isn't good enough... we don't muscle, we don't push and shove, we're polite."

Investment expert, Ewan Cameron Watt hit back at the claims and told the BBC that some entrepreneurs' "blood will be boiling" at suggestions they are not trying hard enough. Atlas Outsourcing agrees with his statement and believes that being polite is part of the British charm; it does not mean they are any less hard working or aggressive towards obtaining new business. The firm does not want entrepreneurs to be disheartened by the Duke's statement and think that their contribution to the economy is not being recognised.

Atlas Outsourcing believes that what makes British brands and businesses desirable is the quality of their products, the service they provide and their polite nature. The firm believe people don't want to be pressured into buying, they want to understand why something would benefit them and that is the service they provide.

However, Atlas Outsourcing does agree with the Duke with regards to being more competitive. "We embrace friendly competition, it helps to drive growth and success and can prove very helpful in many aspects of business and I think it is an area many businesses could improve on" says Managing Director, Matt Stewart.

Atlas Outsourcing believes that British brands are currently doing well because they are supporting the economy to come back after a recession, they are responsible for new job opportunities and innovative ideas that drive tourism and consumer spending.

Atlas Outsourcing is an outsourced sales and marketing firm with offices located in both Liverpool and Reading. The firm specialises in a personalised form of direct marketing that involves connecting with consumers face-to-face on behalf of their clients to accurately represent their brands. This helps to create long-lasting relationships between brand and consumer as well as improving customer acquisition, customer retention and brand awareness.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of AtlasCorp, on Thursday 13 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Atlas Outsourcing Ltd Disagree With Recent Claims That UK Businesses Need to be ‘Less Polite’

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