​Artificial Intelligence developments by business must consider ethical values, says Institute of Business Ethics

News provided by Institute of Business Ethics on Thursday 11th Jan 2018

IBE Introduces Ethical Framework for AI in Business

11th January 2018 : The latest Business Ethics Briefing from the IBE examines the ethical challenges for business in developing artificial intelligence technologies and suggests measures which can be adopted to minimise the risk of ethical lapses due to an improper use of AI technologies.

Artificial Intelligence technologies are not ethical or unethical per se. The real issue is around the use that business makes of AI, which should never undermine human ethical values.

It is essential that companies know the risks, the impact and side effects that new technologies might have on their business and stakeholders. The IBE’s Briefing aims to promote an open discussion between business decision-makers, employees, customers and the public who need to understand the implications of using AI.

The IBE has engaged with organisations and technology experts to identify the founding values that form the cornerstone for the ethical framework of ARTIFICIAL Intelligence in business (see the IBE interactive framework attached).

Philippa Foster Back CBE, IBE’s Director, said: “The topic of AI - its applications and ethical implications for business - is broad and requires a complex multi-stakeholder approach to be tackled. The IBE ARTIFICIAL Framework will provide an ethical foundation for these discussions going forward. The IBE suggests all organisations should consider their commitment to these values in the development of AI technologies, and in considering their future impact.”

#AIEthics #AIforGood


To obtain jpegs of the interactive framework, or to organise interviews or articles, please contact Katherine Bradshaw, Head of Communications 07771 517700 k.bradshaw@ibe.org.uk


Business Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
Free Briefing download from www.ibe.org.uk

Published: 11th January 2018

About the Institute of Business Ethics

The Institute of Business Ethics, whose purpose is to promote high standards of business behaviour based on ethical values, is an important partner to any business wanting to preserve its long-term reputation by doing business in the right way.

For over 30 years, the IBE has advised organisations on how to strengthen their ethical culture by sharing knowledge and good practice, resulting in relationships with employees and stakeholders that are based on trust.

The IBE is a registered charity funded by corporate and individual subscriptions. www.ibe.org.uk @IBEUK

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Institute of Business Ethics, on Thursday 11 January, 2018. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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​Artificial Intelligence developments by business must consider ethical values, says Institute of Business Ethics

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