£2 bus fare cap proves a hit as bus usage increases by 17%, Commuter Census® 2024 shows

News provided by Mobilityways on Monday 5th Aug 2024

With £1 billion of transport projects currently being reviewed by the government according to new Chancellor Rachel Reeves, will the fare cap be scrapped despite its success?

The annual commuting survey from climate-tech company Mobilityways reveals that employees are using the bus more, with “cost” cited as the main reason why.

Based on the responses of 10,325 people, Commuter Census 2024 – now in its 4th year - has revealed a year-on-year increase in bus users by 17%.

One in ten commuters in the UK are now using the bus, with the £2 price cap per journey implemented last year by the UK Government appearing to have made a significant difference over time.

In fact, “cost” was given as the main reason why employees commute by bus, with 56% of bus users attributing it as the main factor for their choice of commute – a 12% increase from 2023.

The bus may continue to rise in popularity over the next few years, with 43% of respondents to Commuter Census 2024 saying they would consider the bus or an electric bus as an alternative to their current commuting choice.

Several issues around bus use need to be fixed before it can reach its full potential, however. When asked, “What would encourage you to travel by bus?” the same sort of issues arose. Four answers – “Quicker bus journeys”, “A bus schedule closer to my work arrival and departure times”, and “More reliable service” all ranked as more important than “Subsidised/cheaper fares”, which affected 17% of respondents. Therefore, a better service remains a more integral factor to commuters than price.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Mobilityways, on Monday 5 August, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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Jack Goddard

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£2 bus fare cap proves a hit as bus usage increases by 17%, Commuter Census® 2024 shows

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