You Agency Win Two Prestigious Accolades At This Year's IBP Communication And PR Awards

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 15th Jul 2015

On the 9th July, The Grange Hotel in St Pauls, hosted the annual IBP communication and PR Awards ceremony where YOU Agency took home two highly-acclaimed awards for its integrated marketing campaign, PricedIn. YOU Agency picked up the award for 'Best Integrated Campaign of the Year' and then went on to win the accolade of the night, 'Best Overall Campaign of the Year'.

YOU Agency's winning PricedIn campaign was created in 2014 to support one of London's largest housing associations, L&Q, who provide a significant share of the capital's affordable homes through Shared Ownership. With little consumer awareness surrounding Shared Ownership, L&Q briefed YOU to create, plan and execute a campaign to educate buyers and simultaneously promote L&Q as a leading provider of affordable housing in London.

Targeting first time buyers in London, PricedIn drew on the one hot topic that unites its target audience - affordability. The campaign took a familiar negative phrase and turned it around into a resoundingly positive and inclusive tagline to use across all collateral: 'don't get priced out of the property market, Get PricedIn'. This branding and tagline was specifically designed to instantly engage and resonate with the audience, tackling a key topic in the property industry.

The IBP official judging panel, chaired by Gerald Bowey, comments as to why PricedIn won 'Best Integrated Campaign of the Year', "The strong presentation in which all team members spoke passionately and informatively about their areas of responsibility punctuated a clear methodology.The campaign itself, to raise awareness around shared ownership housing options deployed a clever branding technique, PricedIn is not only a catchy name, it inverts a well-known negative to make a positive statement. The target audience, for example, first-time buyers, will have been 'priced-out' of buying their homes outright."

"The campaign impressed the judges by its adoption of a genuinely multi-platform strategy, which saw You Agency negotiate partnerships – essentially free copy – with leading London dailies as well as develop strong social media footprints across Twitter and Facebook. Face-to-face communication too, resulted from a series of pop-up initiatives and mortgage clinics. Other channels, such as Vine, Youtube and Pinterest also contributed to this highly effective campaign."

PricedIn proved incredibly successfully by significantly surpassing L&Q's initial target of 3,000 registrations in 2014. The campaign generated 25,638 website views resulting 4,703 registrations, equalling a conversion rate of 18%. In total, 38 pieces of PR coverage were secured throughout 2014, equalling an RIO of 1,878 people reached for every £1 spent.

When choosing 'Best Overall Campaign of the Year'; the judges looked at all the case studies in the final selection, with the view to identifying that distinctive piece of work that set the entry aside for all the others. The IBP panel commented, "In selecting the winner the judges were unanimous in their choice. The adoption of a multi-platform strategy, negotiated partnerships and use of social media enhanced beyond doubt an industry 'hot potato' by taking the problem and an answer direct to the consumer."

Penny Joyner, PR Director at YOU Agency comments, "This is a huge achievement for all departments at YOU Agency and is a testament to the success of the agency's integrated approach. This campaign was created to demystify buyers initial understanding of Shared Ownership, and from the many results of PricedIn, we can undoubtedly say that this was achieved. We are all so proud of the success the campaign has had and now even prouder that it's had the acknowledgement within the industry and the recognition it truly deserves with two highly credible awards."


YOU Agency is an integrated agency achieving results through brilliant Insight, Media Planning and Buyer, PR and Creative.

For further media information contact Penny Joyner at YOU:

T. 020 7420 3550 Email: penny@you-agency.comTwitter: @YouAgency

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 15 July, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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You Agency Win Two Prestigious Accolades At This Year's IBP Communication And PR Awards

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