Why now is the time to try Lift-sharing
This summer was a record-breaking one for new Liftshare members, with over 23,000 joining the lift-sharing platform across July and August.
More people than ever are giving lift-sharing a go, according to Liftshare. This summer was a record-breaking one for new Liftshare members, with over 23,000 joining the lift-sharing platform across July and August. That’s four times the amount of the same period last year, due to Liftshare’s recent collaboration with Esso.
As a social enterprise, Liftshare (which is this year celebrating its Silver Jubilee) offers its journey-matching service completely free of charge to members of the public, predominantly across the UK and Ireland. With the recent spike in members and journeys added, now is a great time to find someone going your way.
National Liftshare Week is also coming up on 18-24th September, which is traditionally a time when more people get involved in sharing lifts and taking cars off the road. During Liftshare Week last year, Liftshare saw three times the usual number of sharers, and savings of £393,343, over 1.3 million miles and almost 300 tonnes of CO2.
Liftshare community manager Amy Young says “The boost in Liftshare members is thanks to our recent work with Esso, encouraging more people to Liftshare for their commutes and to events this summer. Esso awarded new and existing Liftshare members with bonus Nectar points and promoted the initiative with an advertising campaign. Liftshare turned 25 years old this August and this bumper summer for members has given us further reason to celebrate.”
Amy Young continues, “We identified through the Commuter Census that incentives play a key factor in encouraging people to choose a more sustainable mode of transport. People are keen to do their bit for the environment but only if it’s also affordable, and lift-sharing covers both bases.”
All Liftshare members, including new sign-ups, can claim 500 Nectar points on their next purchase at participating Esso service stations – fuel or shop – up until 4th October. Liftshare has teamed up with Esso on their Thoughtful Driving Initiative, which provides help on how to fill up with less impact, drive more economically and make one less car journey. As part of the initiative, Esso is helping to increase Liftshare’s exposure to get more people sharing.
Amy Young concludes, “This isn’t a one-off campaign, we’ll be working closely with Esso on more projects to raise Liftshare’s profile and bring extra benefits to members. Plus, as part of National Liftshare week 2023, Liftshare is also running a member competition. We’re giving away £100 Love2shop vouchers each for 5 lucky members between 11th to 30th September. To be entered, all they need to do is add or update their Liftshare journey.”
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Liftshare, on Thursday 7 September, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Lift Share Car Share Ride Share Summer Travel Social Enterprise Liftshare Week Nectar Points Sustainable Travel Thoughtful Driving Consumer Technology Environment & Nature Health Lifestyle & Relationships Motoring Personal Finance Transport & Logistics
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07930 885 639
Amy Young, Community Manager, Liftshare
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Why now is the time to try Lift-sharing
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