Welcom Digital selects PrinSIX Technologies to deliver integrated end-to-end digital lending journeys

News provided by PrinSix on Tuesday 20th Apr 2021

PrinSIX Technologies—A UK Fintech start-up rethinking lending through the orchestration of on-demand PERSONALISED LENDING JOURNEYS for lenders

Leeds-UK, 20th April 2021—PrinSIX announces Welcom Digital, developer of Financier™ a leading lending technology platform, has selected the PrinSIX digital onboarding platform to extend deployment possibilities of its end-to-end digital lending journey solution.

PrinSIX™ is a fully flexible solution to orchestrate UX, communications, internal and third-party data sources, and third-party applications to optimise business’s commercial and risk objectives.

Welcom’s partnership with PrinSIX will enable the company to integrate its Financier™ Loan Management System with the PrinSIX digital onboarding platform to offer customers a class-leading end-to-end digital lending journey.

Peter Richmond Director of Welcom, says, “Digital onboarding is transformative in its potential to offer lenders access to a broader online customer audience. PrinSIX examples a new breed of technology componentry that harnesses innovations in cloud-based analytics and AI to maximise commercial and customer outcomes.”

Julian Graham-Rack, PrinSIX Technologies CEO, says, “We’re delighted to have Welcom join our partnership program and look forward to working with the Welcom team to brings its customers the means to personalise digital journeys, one applicant at a time, to maximise commercial and customer outcomes.”

Welcom plans to make the PrinSIX platform available to new and existing customers in the UK from the end of April 2021.

About PrinSIX

PrinSIX offers a services-led digital platform that uses real-time analytical learning ‘at the speed of digital’ to orchestrating unique customer onboarding journeys, one decision stage at a time. PrinSIX meets the needs of lenders, regulators and customers fully and simultaneously; equipping lenders to maximize customer experience and lending while minimizing cost and risk; with a major concern being regulatory compliance—an existential threat.

For more information, please visit PrinSIX.com

About Welcom Digital

Welcom Digital develops end to end loan management solutions for the FS industry. Welcom's core platform, Financier, provides an API first fully digital automated platform for consumer and commercial credit issuers providing financial products including unsecured, secured and line of credit in a single, scalable solution. With automated decisioning, appropriate products can be offered based on affordability and vulnerability assessment including Open Banking to deliver a personalised customer experience 24/7. Financier is used by Digital Retailers, Banks and Credit providers, online and via broker channels.

For more information, please visit www.welcom.co.uk

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of PrinSix, on Tuesday 20 April, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Lendingsoftware Personaliseddigitalonboarding Digitalonboarding Lendingrisk Customeronboarding Openbanking Prinsix Business & Finance
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Welcom Digital selects PrinSIX Technologies to deliver integrated end-to-end digital lending journeys

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