We leaked a fake photo and everyone went barking mad!
Fruity King did not feed our software engineer Dog Meat
We leaked a fake photo and everyone went barking mad!
(London, England) MEDIA RELEASE -
Fruity King did not feed our software engineer Dog Meat. We admit it was a bit controversial to post such a picture, but as Dog lovers, we wanted to help raise awareness about the grisly dog meat trade.
Not a single dog was harmed during our latest stunt, we promise. Hundreds of people took to Twitter to voice their outrage, with some branding our company the "lowest of the low" & "Disgusting!!".
I will leave the profanities out (You can see them for yourself below)
James Smith; Public Relations - Fruity King " We new we had really caught people's attention when a member of parliament got involved. Our main concern is the treatment of dogs caged and farmed for their meat."
"It was a little bit of a prolonged April Fools stunt, but it managed to raise awareness of a very serious issue at the same time."
We love dog's so much, we actually have a pet French Bulldog named Rocky roaming around our social media teams office.
You can see how we made the stunt go viral and managed to provoke fury and send the Twitter machine into overdrive.
Press Enquiries
James Smith
KonstgjutarvÀgen 42, 121 44 Johanneshov, Sweden
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Fruity King, on Thursday 9 April, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Fruity King Twitter Social Media Dog Meat Media & Marketing
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+44 7944024382
James Smith, jamie@totalodds.net
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We leaked a fake photo and everyone went barking mad!
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