There’s never a highchair when your little one demands one!

News provided by Moochew on Tuesday 16th Feb 2016

We all relish the occasional (sometimes frequent) opportunity to enjoy a relaxing cup of chai, or nibble on the daily specials at your local eatery, whilst enjoying frivolous conversation with friends, don't we?

However, sometimes even the best dreamt plans can turn in to ready mixed nightmares, just awaiting the ping of an oven bell to be served up for all to see. What am I talking about? I'm referring to those delightful times when your ever so adorable baby bundle of scrumptious joy awakens from a nap at the precise moment you enter in to the formalities of hugs and hello's with your friends in the coffee shop, because it's feeding time!

You've now got precisely four minutes to find a spot to sit in, drop any additions you may be carrying (bags, jacket, another child perhaps?), wrap your child in whatever spill protection bib you might have to hand and of course find the food to nourish its appetite and appease the anger induced decibel screams that may be forthcoming. That's one minute per activity and you know you don't want to be late. So, when you suddenly find all the highchairs in the place have been taken up by other people's bundles of fluff or the last remaining one is covered in another child's projectile activity, you find the countdown clock of your allotted four minutes beginning to rapidly whittle to nothing.

So how can some of this pain be alleviated? How about putting all the food (hot or cold), wipes, bottles, bib's in one place and keep it with you until you're ready to use them? Sounds simple right, no different from carrying it all in a regular bag? But, what if at the drop of a hat that bag also turned in to a seat? A portable baby seat to be precise – Moochew.

Moochew is a portable baby seat that can be strapped to most dining chairs. Once firmly in place, you can use the built in harness to safely secure your little munchkin to the seat. Now, allow feeding at the zoo to commence and there's no need to move your child. Simply pull at one of the two quick release side pockets to gain access to the compartments below, where you will have stored all the food, wipes etc. Oh and don't worry about any mess your little one makes, Moochew's designed with wipe clean surfaces. Finally, when the hunger pangs are firmly at bay, simply pull at the zip to close it all back up and hang it over the pushchair ready for the next gathering!

It works equally as well when visiting grandparents, uncles and aunts that may not have children that young in their home, giving your precious bundle a real seat at the dinner table.

So the next time your little one drops off in to the land of nod, why not sit back with a coffee, relax and take a look at and all the other features that have been added to Moochew to make your life that little bit easier.

Designed by parents, for parents.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Moochew, on Tuesday 16 February, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow

Moochew Highchair Parents Children Toddlers Babies Baby Child Mother Food Parent Eating Feeding Lunchbox Portable Family Father Children & Teenagers Travel & Tourism
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There’s never a highchair when your little one demands one!

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