Theatre-goers website, discover UK's favourite shows
Theatregoers from around the UK took part in a survey to find out what shows they have most enjoyed and what shows they would enjoy seeing next
Les Miserables is the best show that you have ever seen
Les Misérables is officially the best show ever, according to over 3100 UK theatregoers surveyed in 2014 by
Respondents from all over the UK took part in a survey to find out what shows people have most enjoyed and what shows people think they would enjoy seeing next.
Long runners Les Misérables, Disney's The Lion King and The Phantom of the Opera top the pile of best shows ever, but it is Broadway all the way for shows that UK theatregoers would like to see next, with Wicked, The Lion King and Jersey Boys flying the star-spangled banner.
Accounting for approximately a third of all London theatre tickets sold, this group of theatregoers from the UK's regions are hugely important for London's West End and these figures show how important long-running shows are for the industry. This goes against recent industry fears of a static West End being bad for business.
"There are no real surprises in the top 10, but the list taken as a whole underlines the desire to see theatre in the UK with a massive 245 different shows being cited amongst the nations favourites." Says Simon Harding of "This is especially encouraging when respondents, whilst all having been to the theatre, are not necessarily regular theatregoers."
"That being said, throughout the responses, regional theatrical productions are woefully under-represented as is our nation's favourite son: William Shakespeare. But with the appearance of Queen epic We Will Rock You and Mamma Mia! based on the hits of ABBA it is clear people are voting with their hearts and I firmly believe that theatre connects with our hearts before it connects with our minds – and none more so than for the lady who cited her daughter's first ballet show as her favourite show ever!"
3209 respondents answered questions on their theatre going habits including: What was the best show they have ever seen? What show would they like to see next? Who do they go to the theatre with?
Musicals swept the board with War Horse the only play making it into the top 10 of shows we would most like to see.
Also the gender divide was markedly demonstrated with female family members 6 times more likely to be treated to a theatre visit than their male counterparts (not including partners)
More information and data can be found at
St Albans Travel, owners of have been promoting London's Theatreland for over 30 years.
Simon Harding
+44 (0)203 2871808
St Albans Travel, Bedford Road, Bidwell, Bedfordshire, LU5 6JP
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of, on Wednesday 7 January, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow
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Theatre-goers website, discover UK's favourite shows
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