The Timi Marketplace is Now Live - Enabling Health and Genomics Data Ownership Rewards
We know how truly valuable health & genomics data and believe that consumers who opt-in should receive their fair share of the financial gains.
TimiHealth is leading the way towards consumer monetization of genomics and health data with a 70/30 split with the owners of the data. In this emerging alternative business model, consumers will receive 70% of the compensation received when they opt in to share their data in the TimiHealth blockchain powered ecosystem and TDNA REWARDS TOKEN. To learn more and control of your health and genomics data visit: The TDNA REWARDS TOKEN is listed and trading on the Digital Exchange Platform VinDAX.
As recently as May 15th, it was publicized that a leading direct to consumer DNA testing company was asking hospitals to help recruit patients with COVID-19 to join its genetic studies of the disease, according to STAT. Health and genomics data is extremely valuable when pooled together whether it’s for combating a global pandemic or advancing clinical research.
We understand the need to find and advance treatments whether it’s for COVID-19 or other global health crises. TimiHealth’s blockchain powered ecosystem provides the technology infrastructure that allows individuals the ability to own, control and opt-in to monetization opportunities of their health and genomics data.
“We know how truly valuable health and genomics data is beyond combating COVID-19. We believe that consumers who choose to share or sell their data should receive a fair share of the financial windfall that comes from the medicines and therapies that are developed. TimiHealth is on a mission to empower consumers/patients by allowing them to first compile their data in the highly secure TimiHealth Blockchain, while also giving them the ability to sell or refuse to sell that data to researchers. We fundamentally believe that whether its
direct to consumer DNA testing companies or global pharmaceutical corporations, the rightful owners of the data should receive a fair share of the windfalls derived from their data." said TimiHealth's co-founder Will Lowe.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Timihealth Group Inc, on Monday 25 May, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow
Blockchain Data Rewards Healthcare Genomics DNA Consumer Technology Crypto Currency Health Media & Marketing Medical & Pharmaceutical
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The Timi Marketplace is Now Live - Enabling Health and Genomics Data Ownership Rewards
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