The Source Announce The Launch Of Their 100% Raw & Organic Cold-Pressed Juices

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 29th May 2014

Introducing The Source, a brand new range of cold-pressed juices launching this summer.

Available in individual bottles to replace your morning coffee, or as part of a tailor made juice cleanse diet, these brand new drinks have been created to deliver specific health benefits such as healthy skin, balancing stress and strengthening the immune system.

The Source juices come in seven unique flavours each aligned with specific nutritional functions developed alongside a talented nutritionist to select ingredients based on their nutritional value. Many of the ingredients are locally sourced from organic farmers in the UK.

The Source juice menu:

Miracle Greens: supports your skin’s health and induces weight loss by promoting a healthy metabolism
Volcano: strengthens your immunity system
The Garden: balances stress levels and fills your mind with vitality
Red Earth: energizes your body and re-charges your cells with all the nutrients they need
Dr. Detox: detoxifies your body and cures the meanest hangover
Rise & Shine: start your day with a sweeter green juice full of energy and vital nutrients
Almond & Coconut milk: rich in protein to support recovery and repair.

Caroline Farrell, nutritionist for The Source said: “Cold-pressed juicing extracts the juice from fresh fruits or vegetables. The resulting liquid contains most of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (plant chemicals) found in the whole fruit. Studies suggest that we should be eating a minimum of seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day to ensure we benefit from these nutrients. However, many struggle to achieve the current recommended target of five a day. Juicing is a great way to boost your intake.”

The London-based company began in the Autumn of 2013 born out of a passion for healthy living. Having first met over twelve years ago as students at the University of Pennsylvania, the two creators, Mustafa Ahmed and Santiago Tenorio, transitioned from their high profile and demanding city jobs to address the growing demand for pure organic cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juice. Their mission was to develop juices that not only provide incredible benefits for the body and mind, but also taste delicious.
The Source will be targeting detoxifying juice cleanses and the corporate market, highlighting the benefits of swapping a morning coffee for a fresh organic cold-pressed green juice.

To date, retailers stocking The Source have been selling out incredibly fast highlighting that Londoners are loving their juices and are thirsty for more.

For images, samples or further information please contact DawBell at: 0203 327 7159 0203 327 7111

Notes to Editors:



Current London stockists:
1. Kusmi Tea (Marylebone High Street)
2. Gitane London (Great Tichfield Street)
3. The Pie Man (Cale Street, Chelsea Green)
4. Tothelo Cafe (Norfolk Place,Paddington)


The Source hand crush, grind and press their fruits and vegetables with state of the art cold-press juicers to extract juice that is rich in vitamins. The brand only use 100% organic fruit and vegetables.
The Juice Cleanse Programs

Renovation (Beginner)

The Renovation program was designed as a gentle detox for beginners and those new to juicing. This program is ideal for those who don't strictly follow a healthy diet. You may have a meat-heavy diet, or consume caffeine and alcohol and wish to ease in more gently to reduce withdrawal symptoms. The juices in this program include a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables that are delicious and nutritious. The program includes our signature almond+coconut milk which is rich in protein to support recovery and repair.

Foundation (Intermediate)

The Foundation cleanse is the most popular and balanced program. It is perfect for people who try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and wish to balance great tasting, easy to drink juices with high efficacy. This program is heavier on the greens than Renovation and includes the signature almond+coconut milk which is rich in protein to support recovery and repair.

Transformation (Expert Cleanse)

The most intense program. Super alkalizing! The juices in this program include less fruit than Renovation and Foundation. This program was designed for the most experienced juicers out there and those looking for maximum results in the shortest possible time. Each day's supply includes the signature almond+coconut milk which is rich in protein to support recovery and repair.

About Caroline Farrell

Caroline Farrell is a qualified nutritional therapist and a regular nutrition expert in press and on radio. She is also the official nutritionist to Watford FC. Caroline passionately believes that the food we eat can have a profound effect on our health and well-being. Her mission is to educate, motivate and inspire people to transform their health through simple but effective diet and lifestyle changes. Through private consultations Caroline develops targeted nutrition programs aimed at promoting long-term optimum health. Whether you want to achieve a specific goal such as weight loss, or to address a more chronic health issue, Caroline will work with you to help you achieve your goal.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Thursday 29 May, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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