The Simple, Drug-Free Spray That Can Help Allergy-Proof Your Nose This Spring

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 17th Apr 2014

Spring is just around the corner but, sadly, so is the hay fever season which can mean months of misery, sniffles and watery eyes for millions of the population. Whilst many people's response is to reach for an antihistamine tablet, there's now a faster acting drug-free solution to help beat the pollen blues - a highly effective nasal barrier spray that blocks the path of pollen and other airborne allergens almost instantly to prevent the onset of symptoms. It will be available at Boots and in March 2014.

An estimated 21 million adults in the UK suffer from at least one allergy and hay fever is the most common, affecting up to 25 per cent of the population. New and Exclusive to Boots, is Allergy Barrier Nasal Spray - it offers an effective, drug-free solution that is clinically proven to start protecting sufferers against pollen and other airborne allergens in just three minutes - much faster than traditional hay fever tablets.

Most other hay fever remedies treat and reduce the existing symptoms. Allergy Barrier Nasal Spray works to instantly create a barrier to the allergen entering the nose to help prevent sneezing, runny noses and other symptoms from starting, so it can be used just before leaving the house or entering a room or other environment where airborne allergens such as pollen, pets and dust mites are likely to be present.

Costing just £8.99 for 200 doses, the spray consists of a powdered formulation that doesn't drip (unlike traditional nasal sprays) and this powder reacts with the moisture inside the nose to create an invisible, protective gel barrier to block allergens and prevent them triggering an allergic response in the nose and throat. Allergy Barrier's unique drug-free and non-drowsy formulation makes it suitable for anyone over the age of 18 months and can be used safely alongside other medicines whilst allowing allergy sufferers to get on with normal life.

Pregnant women don't have to be a prisoner to pollen either, Allergy Barrier is suitable to use during pregnancy and while breast feeding, unlike many other hay fever remedies.

The NHS advises that people with hay fever should consider taking antihistamines regularly and not just on the odd days when they feel bad, as this may work better to provide relief through the season. However,
Allergy Barrier is a much quicker and effective way of protecting yourself against allergens, because it can be used on the spot and regularly thereafter for almost instant protection.

Allergy Myths Debunked

Myth: Hay fever is no big deal. Fact: Hay fever can be a big deal and nobody wants to suffer from hay fever symptoms. This can be one of the most frustrating myths because it can affect how your friends, family and co-workers view your hay fever. While you're suffering from hay fever and struggling to handle your symptoms, others may think that hay fever is just a 'stuffy nose' and ' no big deal.' This is far from the case. Hay fever can cause days off work and school and can affect a person's quality of life.

Myth: Children will grow out of hay fever. Fact: This is one of the common myths about childhood allergies. Childhood allergies including hay fever may persist as children grow up. . Allergies can be unpredictable and some indeed go away as children get older, but it's not the case for all allergies and all children. In fact many hay fever sufferers only develop their allergy in adulthood.

Myth: If I expose myself to the allergen, it will cure my hay fever. Fact: Repeatedly exposing yourself to the allergen can actually worsen symptoms and may lead to complications. This myth has developed, in part, from the existence of allergen immunotherapy. Allergy immunotherapy involves exposure to the allergen in a controlled environment. Simply drowning yourself in the outdoors when pollen counts are high won't improve your allergy symptoms. In fact, it will do the exact opposite and may make them worse.

Myth: Flowers commonly cause hay fever. Fact: Trees and various grasses are actually the top offenders for hay fever. Flowers often don't cause hay fever because the pollen in these types of plants is often quite sticky and large. This means that it doesn't tend to get carried along by the wind and thus, is less likely to trigger a hay fever attack.

Myth: Hay fever is all in your head. Fact: Hay fever is a medical condition that is very much real and distressing for enormous numbers of people. There is a tendency to view hay fever as something 'in your head' or that it simply isn't anything worth complaining about. By taking your hay fever seriously, those around you will be more likely to take it seriously also.

Myth: Hay fever is caused by hay. Fact: Hay fever is not caused by hay and it is also not a fever. It is an allergic reaction typically caused by exposure to pollinating plants and occurs primarily during the spring and summer months.

Myth: Short-haired pets do not cause allergies. Fact: the length of an animal's hair does not determine its allergy potential. In fact, the hair itself may not be the only culprit. The cause can be due to skin moulting constantly which is typical of animals with hair or feathers. In addition, saliva and urine can cause sensitivity.
The Boots Allergy Barrier Nasal Spray will be available from all Boots pharmacies and from March.



Hay fever is the most common form of allergy, affecting up to 25 per cent of the UK population. Airborne allergies make summer a misery for at least 15 million people in the UK and are increasing each year.
'Allergic rhinitis', as it is also known, is now classified as a 'major chronic respiratory disease'. Its increase is hotly debated, but air pollution, especially the minute hydrocarbon particles from diesel engine exhausts, is thought to be a prime cause. Global warming, which means that summer starts earlier and may end later, may be another factor.

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The Simple, Drug-Free Spray That Can Help Allergy-Proof Your Nose This Spring

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