The Pensions Regulator extends partnership with Capita for an additional three years
The Pensions Regulator has agreed to extend its partnership with Capita for a further three years to ensure the continued successful roll-out of automatic enrolment (AE) to small and micro employers.
The contract extension is worth an additional £37 million over three years and will run from October 2018.
Capita has been working with The Pensions Regulator since 2011, delivering direct communications to employers who are preparing for AE. The extension reflects the success of the partnership in helping The Pensions Regulator to maximise compliance with AE pensions regulation.
So far more than 140,000 employers have been through AE, resulting in more than six million people being automatically enrolled. The Pensions Regulator and Capita have worked in partnership to deliver a tailored approach to communications that is helping to deliver compliance rates of more than 90% amongst small and micro employers.
Under the extended contract, Capita will continue to deliver high-volume employer communications both to employers yet to implement automatic enrolment and to employers who have already undergone the process and will need to re-enrol staff. Capita will also continue to administer enforcement communications including compliance notices.
The Pensions Regulator continues to be responsible for the automatic enrolment strategy, policy, the overall approach to communications, compliance and enforcement including prevention and detection activities.
Our automatic enrolment communications approach is working. The continuation of our partnership with Capita will ensure stability and consistency, taking us to the point where all existing employers will have undergone automatic enrolment.
Lesley Titcomb
Chief Executive of The Pensions Regulator
The extension of our contract with The Pensions Regulator reflects our strong partnership ethos and further demonstrates the value Capita continues to bring to public sector projects. Our targeted and high quality information and communications approach has clearly played an essential role in helping employers to comply with such a fundamental and important change. We look forward to continuing to work with The Pensions Regulator to ensure the process is as simple, efficient and clear as possible as the roll-out continues.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Monday 4 July, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow
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The Pensions Regulator extends partnership with Capita for an additional three years
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