Tendring Dementia Action Alliance approved as accredited provider

News provided by Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex on Monday 15th Jun 2020

Partnering with Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex to deliver a dementia friendly, sustainable community for Tendring

15th June 2020, Colchester – Tendring Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) has been awarded Dementia Friendly Status which empowers it to accredit local businesses and organisations, for the benefit of creating a dementia friendly community in Tendring.

Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex operations team is developing the Tendring DAA to support the work through its Dementia Friends programme to help the communities evolve to meet this need. There are some huge contributions from partners in the NHS, Public, Private and Charity Sectors to drive a movement of positive change across North East Essex. Tendring has the third worst statistics in the country for dementia and the Alliance is working together to change this and make it socially unacceptable to not be dementia-friendly.

Partnering with the NHS and Essex County Council so closely means the impact can grow sustainably. Simon Prestney, CEO of Age Concern Colchester & North East Essex said,

It is a very natural partnership for Age Concern, Essex County Council and the CCG in relation to Dementia as our goal is to ‘Make Life Better in Later Years’ through improved Health and Wellbeing. We are also extremely grateful for the continued support of Colchester Catalyst towards our work and the sustainability that is provided from multi-year funding. Essex Community Foundation has also invested in us for two years in a row in the key area of befriending and dementia support.”

Dementia is formally diagnosed every 3 minutes and it is estimated that there will be over 1 million people living with the condition by 2021. It is therefore a key health and social care issue for the UK, as well as for the sustainability of businesses and retailers. 1 in every 5 deaths from COVID-19 have been from someone who has dementia.

It is vital that communities recognise the support required and the new accreditation of Tendring Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) will enable it, and Age Concern, to work with local organisations to help form and approve their action plans; and subsequently to award individual towns and ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’. Localised DAA’s will be formed to present for accreditation across Tendring and the team will be on hand to support and guide people to an accredited status at hyper-local level because of the investment from the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group.

Local businesses, charities, surgeries, and organisations are encouraged to contact Age Concern to become Dementia Friendly for the social good of their community but also for the sustainability of their business or organisation:

Enhanced social reputation by being a leader in breaking down exclusion and isolation, ensuring social inclusivity and customer protection

Empowering and enabling staff with the skills, understanding and confidence to deliver a high-quality service to those with dementia

Ensuring business sustainability, increased footfall and profits via the ability to serve all segments of society

Demonstrating a commitment to the local community, customers and their families across the generations

Working towards the nationally recognised Dementia Friendly Communities kite-mark, and complying with the Equality Act (2010)

Christine Horn – DAA Joint Chair is quoted as saying,

“We are hugely passionate about delivering a dementia-friendly community in Tendring and I am passionate to drive this work forwards in partnership with colleagues across the area.”

Jane Diplock – DAA Joint Chair added,

“We have recruited a superb team who can support communities at a hyper-local level and match the emerging Community Model of Care in how we operate in partnership.”

Contacting the Age Concern dementia team:

Email: dementia@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk

Call: 01206 368420 option 5

Jane Diplock, Befriending, Dementia and Friendship Groups Operations Manager North East Essex

Christine Horn, Befriending and Dementia Team Leader North East Essex

Maryon Pape, Co Ordinator for Tendring South

Nicki Cailes, Co Ordinator for Tendring East and West

Jo Theodosiou, Co Ordinator for Tiptree & Witham

Judith Fantousi, Co Ordinator for Colchester North

Jayne Vernon, Co Ordinator for Colchester South

Lisa Jackson, Co Ordinator for Colchester Mid

Louise Bradshaw, Admin Support North East Essex

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For further information, please contact Amanda on 07812 344061 or email amanda.georgeson@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk

To find out more about Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex, please visit

Facebook: www.facebook.com/colchesterageconcern/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgeColchester

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/age-concern-colchester-essex/

Notes to editors

About Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex:

Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex was formerly known as Age UK Colchester and before that Age Concern Colchester and is a local independent charitable company limited by guarantee providing services and support for older people in the Colchester area.

Age Concern’s mission is to “Make Life Better in Later Years” and we do this through boosting health, wellbeing and quality of life of residents of North East Essex – and those who care for them, through advice, information, knowledge and where appropriate, resources.

COVID-19 Update:

A new community support team can provide practical guidance for those who are struggling with food, access to prescriptions and who have unmet care needs in their home. Call COVID-19 Support on 01206 368420 option 1 or email: communitycare@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk.

Bereavement support during Covid-19:

We recognise your need for support at this time when lots of services are not running normally. (At this time when wakes and funerals are unable to proceed as normal) the Age Concern team can offer bereavement support. Call 01206 368420 option 2 for support or email: bereavement@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk.

Befriending during Covid-19:

Befrienders have moved to a telephone service during the pandemic, in order to support those who are lonely, scared and having to self-isolate.

Call 01206 368420 option 3 to help or email befriending@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk.

Welfare and Financial Support

Our busy Advice team provide practical support on completing often complex forms. Helping people to overcome the barriers they face as a result of low incomes or ill health our practical support can lead to an improved standard of living helping people to maintain independence and choice within their lives. Call for Support on 01206 368420 option 4 or email: advice@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk.

Dementia Helpline

At a time when everyone is focused on COVID-19 there is a little focus on the highest mortality rate being for over 70’s who have a form of Dementia being the highest affected grouping in Wales and England. Do not be alone, call our support line to be connected to the help you need. This line is supported by the local NHS.

Call for support on 01206 368420 option 5 or dementia@ageconcerncolchester.org.uk.

Registered Charity Number 1142414 Registered Company Number 7517777.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex, on Monday 15 June, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Dementia Dementia Friendly Tendring Age Concern Colchester And North East Essex Tendring Dementia Action Alliance Dementia Friends Charities & non-profits Health Lifestyle & Relationships
Published By

Age Concern Colchester and North East Essex
01206 368420
Simon Prestney

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Tendring Dementia Action Alliance approved as accredited provider

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