TalksForTeens launches a news & features platform for forward-thinking teenagers

News provided by TalksForTeens on Friday 14th May 2021

TalksForTeens is delighted to announce the launch of its brand new and exciting news & features platform for forward-thinking teenagers and children aged 11 and up.

TalksforTeens presents information in an accessible, positive and fresh style, on a wide range of non-curricular topics relevant to teens today. Content is apolitical and to the point - designed to arm young people with the information and outlook they need to make a successful connection between school and the wider world.

Founded by a finance executive & venture capital specialist and a former ITN journalist, with over 30 years of experience between them. The founders are also parents to outspoken teens and tweens. TalksForTeens covers diverse topics such as : Business & Startups, Fashion & The Business of, Finance & Investing , Future Jobs, Mental Health, Sports & Sport Psychology, Sustainability, Tech & Trends, Toolbox, Travel & Exploration.

With the school curriculum mostly unchanged for the last 50 odd years, many topics relevant to this generation remail out of exam syllabuses. TalksForTeens aims to bridge the gap between school and the outside world by presenting content that is helping teens prepare for our rapidly changing world.

As well as the regular blogs, there are video clips and podcasts with exciting, entrepreneurial types, all designed with the teenage audience in mind: short, sharp and compelling:

  • Do you know your dogecoin from your bitcoin?
  • Why fresh air is good for you.
  • Daily dose of vitamins from the clothes you wear.
  • Sporting genius: how high is your football IQ?
  • The trick of everyday happiness.
  • And much, much, more….

“We know our audience is savvy, global and spoilt for choice; that’s why we employ only the best contributors and have very stringent rules about the topics that make the cut.”

High quality contributors include Oxbridge graduates and journalists from the world-renowned post-graduate course at City University, London, as well as industry professionals. The majority of our blogs are written by young people for young people. We also feature articles by our viewers; ideas and blogs by teens that fit into our topic categories will be considered for publication. We pass the mic to teens.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of TalksForTeens, on Friday 14 May, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow

Teen News Teen Education Teenage Education Children & Teenagers Education & Human Resources
Published By


Tannaz Lee

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TalksForTeens launches a news & features platform for forward-thinking teenagers

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