Sir Robert McAlpine Undertaking £150 Million Victoria Gate Development

News provided by Pressat Wire on Monday 17th Feb 2014

Hammerson has appointed Sir Robert McAlpine Limited to undertake the main construction works for its £150million Victoria Gate development in Leeds city centre.

The new retail scheme, which received detailed planning consent last year, will deliver John Lewis' first store in the city with a 21,000m² store, a 21stcentury inspired retail arcade with 30 stores, restaurants, cafes and a casino and a multi-story car park.

Vinod Thakrar, Hammerson Director for Project Management, commented:

"With a strong track record of delivering schemes on time and to a high build quality, we delighted to add Sir Robert McAlpine to the Victoria Gate team."

Richard McAlpine of Sir Robert McAlpine said:

"We are delighted to be involved in this prestigious project. We have an established track record of working with Hammerson on outstanding retail-led developments and look forward to building on our relationship as we work together to deliver this exciting new project."

Jeremy Collins, property director at John Lewis said:

"We are delighted to see this project coming to fruition. It represents a triumph for the partnership we have forged with Hammerson and the City Council".

Councillor Lucinda Yeadon, Leeds City Council Executive Member for Leisure and Skills, said:

"As a Council we are committed to ensuring that we work closely with developers and businesses to ensure that there is a clear focus on the provision of employment opportunities through Section 106 agreements. It is fantastic that we have begun working closely with Hammerson and Sir Robert McAlpine to ensure that opportunities through this major development become available to local people. We are committed to ensuring that local people benefit from the new opportunities and to making sure our work with the developer and contractor is tailored effectively to meet the needs of our city."

Initial enabling works on the site have begun with the main start on site scheduled for later this spring.
The first phase of the regeneration scheme will create up to 1,000 construction opportunities and 1,000 retail and hospitality jobs.

Hammerson is currently working with Leeds City Council's Employment and Skills Service and Sir Robert McAlpine to ensure employment opportunities are available to the local Leeds workforce with skills and training opportunities. A careers fair will be organised in early April for individuals wanting to find out more about jobs and training opportunities. All vacancies will be advertised via the Council's Employment and Skills Service.


For more information, please contact:

Catrin Sharp
T: 020 7887 1063

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Monday 17 February, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Sir Robert McAlpine Undertaking £150 Million Victoria Gate Development

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