Report suggests women are more likely to be affected by dementia than men

News provided by Alzheimer’s Society on Friday 5th Jun 2015

The majority of people living with dementia and those most at risk of developing the disease are women, according to a report by Alzheimer's Disease International released tomorrow (Friday 5th June 2015).

The report, Women and Dementia: A global research review, also says women account for an overwhelming majority of caregivers and health professionals.

Alzheimer's Disease International estimates that by 2050, 71% of the 135 million people with dementia will live in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The vast majority of these people will be cared for at home, most likely by a female relative.

George McNamara, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Alzheimer's Society said:

'Dementia is the biggest health and care challenge facing the UK today, with 225,000 people developing the condition every year and numbers set to soar. We know that around 570,000 people with dementia in the UK are women, but this report also highlights the hundreds of thousands of women across the world who are at the frontline caring for loved ones living with the condition. The contribution of unpaid carers of people with dementia saves the UK economy alone £11.6 billion per year.

'The role reversal from daughter to carer can pose real emotional and practical challenges for families. Government, business and wider society must step up to ensure that women carers have personalised practical and psychological support, understanding employers and a supportive community in order to balance their responsibilities and have a good quality of life. It is vital that this is taken into account in the development of dementia policy.'

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Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Alzheimer’s Society, on Friday 5 June, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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Report suggests women are more likely to be affected by dementia than men

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