Red Alert – Vegans Get Less Cancer!

News provided by Pressat Wire on Tuesday 10th Jun 2014

It's official; vegetarians and vegans get less cancer. A new study from Oxford University, looking at how diet affects cancer risk, has revealed that people who don't eat meat have a much lower risk of getting the disease. The 15-year study followed 60,000 British men and women of which over 18,000 were vegetarians and 2,246 vegan. They found that cancer incidence was 11 per cent lower in vegetarians, but a whopping 19 per cent lower in vegans.

This adds to a huge body of evidence showing how red and processed meat increases the risk of cancer and other diseases. Viva!Health senior health researcher Dr Justine Butler says: “Viva!Health has been warning people of the dangers of red meat for years. We already know that bowel cancer is linked to the high consumption of red and processed meat; it comes as no surprise that other cancers may be linked too. This summer, when you are firing up the barbeque, do yourself a favour and throw on a veggie burger!”

“For a wide range of tasty vegan recipes to suit all tastes and occasions go to To sign up to our 30 Day Vegan Program where we send you an email every day for 30 days with tasty, healthy meal plans, celebrity vegan inspiration, nutritional advice and health information go to”


Notes to Editors:
The original research can be found here:

Press Contact:

For more information visit or contact Viva!Health on 0117 944 1000.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Tuesday 10 June, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Red Alert – Vegans Get Less Cancer!

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