The New Name in Health and Safety and Employment Law

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 13th Aug 2014

Free jargon free advice – bringing Britain's businesses up to code

Up to 80% of Britain's small businesses don't currently comply with current health and safety employment law because they're either confused or feel priced out by expensive consultants.

That's the view of a new UK-based health and safety and employment law consultancy that's going to bring simplicity to the minefield of British business law.

Launching, Mark Hall and Jonny Ratcliffe say that they'll offer free advice and jargon-free services to the thousands of businesses that are currently "winging it" with their health and safety obligations.

"We're bringing a much-overdue no-nonsense approach to the industry," says Protecting's Mark Hall, "Too many businesses are put off by confusing pricing structures and advice they simply don't understand.

"It's time somebody cut through all the noise and put the customer back in control." say that their preliminary market research found a huge majority of small businesses unaware of the fact that they didn't comply with health and safety codes, and that there was a demand for simple, low-cost legal advice to help companies get up to speed.

Companies across the UK are put off by what call "a mad array of costs and strange pricing options" in the compliance industry, Protecting says. According to the company, employers are too often confused by legislation, and find traditional health and safety consultants to be too expensive for their operating budgets.

"Everybody knows they should be on top of health and safety, but too much jargon and not enough free advice is leaving people either doing the wrong thing, or with no cover at all," Ratcliffe says. is to launch with six NEBOSH-accredited staff with over 35 years of experience between them to address this demand for cheaper and clearer advice, says Hall, "And we're looking to double our head count within the first half a year."

Hall and Ratcliffe have already brought their no-nonsense approach to the world of car leasing. Their transparent pricing ethos on their business has put the customer back in charge of what has traditionally been a complex industry, and they're now shifting 100 cars every month to satisfied drivers.

"We offered a service that had no hidden costs and straight, honest advice," said Hall, "And we found that's exactly what people want. It's hardly rocket science."

Neither is Hall a stranger to the health and safety employment law sector. His father Anthony Hall was the founder of LPMS (Legal Personalised Management Services), and was the largest health and safety law consultancy in the UK with 125 staff when the business was sold to Croner Consulting some ten years ago. With his brother also in the trade, Mark is certainly following the family tradition for sound legal and business advice.

"We're going to prove that health and safety law is neither difficult nor expensive," says Hall. " is going to be the company that gives this industry the good shaking up it deserves."


For more information please contact Mark on 07841779892

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Spokesman Mark Hall is available for comment is a national health and safety law consultancy that aims dump the jargon and get Britain's businesses up to code with a no-nonsense, transparent approach.

The company employs six NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) accredited staff, and hopes to double its head count within the first six months. will help British businesses forge a straight and simple path through the maze of health and safety regulations, offering honest advice with transparent pricing options.


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 13 August, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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